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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. I’m quoting and believing non governmental stats that’s the difference the government have been caught lying so why would I believe their stats i hope you and yours stay healthy same as I would for anyone personally I believe we’ve been screwed
  2. ?????no the only one ignoring stats here is you the government and the nhs are lying and manipulating figures You’re Ignoring that youre ignoring all the evidence about myocarditis,f****d immune systems yiur stats certainly look like they support what you’re saying but they really aren’t definitive ive got some magic beans for sale here and I think you’re just the man I’m looking for
  3. No you just think you have what you’ve actually done is swallowed a load of bollocks by a government and nhs who’ve just been proved to be lying and then simply regurgitated the same crap if the vaccines are effective why are the majority of those in icu(this means they’re in a bad way for clarity) double vaccinated the story is the jab stops you getting covid or stops it being bad yet 3/4 in icu are double jabbed its got f**k all to do with the majority being vaccinated and everything to do with vaccinations being worth less than two fifths of f**k all i Know several
  4. ????????????? try supporting your position instead of simply trying to insult the person it just makes you look an even bigger c**t
  5. And given the majority in icu are double jabbed and it isn’t working I’ll leave it to you try and tie your shoe laces just remember bunny ears then down the hole
  6. ????it’s totally deniable given the majority in icu have been double jabbed if you’re in icu it’s f***ing serious if you’ve had the jab twice and you’re in icu then what is the f***ing jab doing because it clearly doesn’t protect you as claimed joined up thinking isn’t your forte chap clearly
  7. If 95/100 people were injured wearing seatbelts then the seatbelts aren’t fit for purpose if those injuries are severe those people in icu with covid have had the vaccine you know the one that is supposed to stop you getting covid Just yesterday it was revealed that the government and nhs have been very clearly manipulating data .we are being fed Mia information from the top and it stinks I’m far from a conspiracy but I’m also far from naive
  8. Absolute rubbish the ons shows that in some cases at least three quarters in icu are double jabbed how anybody first question this baffles me
  9. Go on line fill in the not having a tv licence part on their website never hear from them again did. That a long time ago and I never hear from the planks any more
  10. I’ve lost several friends to suicide and the greatest advice I ever received was if you understood why they did it you would be in their shoes and it’s pointless to try all of them had great things going for them one Of them was an incredible artist and incredibly charismatic he hung him self with his Brazilian jiu jitsu belt and was an absolute monster on the mats he would have been a legend for sure RIP to them all
  11. I genuinely can’t answer that drop him an email i have used them fresh out the pack and equally tweaked some but this was before he getting them in so like I say can’t answer sorry
  12. HOME | UK Putange Supplies | Mole traps and accessories WWW.UKPUTANGESUPPLIES.COM Welcome to UK Putange Supplies, serving both the general public and the professional mole trapping industry... New website for Paul Stamford trap supplier
  13. I have never used it and never wanted to always felt it wasn’t a nice way to go so when I smelt it thought I was done for another lad I told the tale to had a similar experience
  14. I think it shuts down your central nervous system but not sure i was asked to trap for mole somewhere when I stuck a trap in I got a whiff of it as they’d not long had the gas man in i was panicking all day just recently a lad had some in the back of his Landry near me Was found crashed and stone dead as it had activated somehow as he was bombing along
  15. This isn’t about mole welfare and is all about Jeff ego in his book jeff admits he still gets foul catches with the traps he promotes what Jeff wants is to stop pest controllers being able to catch moles and only accredited mole catchers to do it funnily enough mole catchers who have paid him to do a courses and been accredited by him and using traps that he promotes if you think Jeff is on your side you’re even more stupid than I thought The mole game is hard enough as it is and any further legislation change will make ot harder Jeff an ego maniac who doe
  16. Thanks for that you have an uncanny knack of using lots of words to say almost nothing and I didn’t intend that as an insult
  17. That’s bizarre bit of lead behind the ear
  18. Give Paul Stanford a shout email Is ukputangesuppliesltd@btinternet.com
  19. What a lot of people don’t know is the lad in wales is the same guy that pest stop had tweaking their tunnels after they were catching loads by their feet etc he showed every one how to tweak them for free had the pest stop team down to him for two days listening to what he said now the pest stops a good trap
  20. Since Jeff a such an awesome dude explain why why will 24 hour trap checking benefit us why will only being allowed to use his traps help us will putting heavy turf on top of barrels springs give humane catches is it decent and fair to only give accreditation only when he receives a positive review(I believe this to blackmail quite frankly) is it honest to demand people buy his dibbers and paint rollers to do the course lets start there since you’ve used the putange and told me in pms that you were wrong about them and they’re a decent humane trap why is Jef
  21. I’m still waiting for you to address my points bit as an aside no I’m not and nor will I ever be they do not speak for me
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