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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. Venebals should be eased off the planet a piece at a time
  2. I’ve just looked into that as if not heard of that but you’re right anyone buying that should have been reported to the old bill wtif is wrong is with this world
  3. I remember a bbc documentary long before the internet on paedos they had massive networks and books like manuals they shared between each they called what they did “the hobby” and said they should never be ashamed of their hobby That documentary has never ever left me shocked isn’t the word
  4. I f***ing despair of this country
  5. All over the media about a crackdown on far right extremism one case it’s a joke
  6. Jordan Peterson is a shining star in the dark horizon of politically correct bullshit
  7. My lads 8 i won’t let him do that yet i know he’s Not ready i was a lot younger when I used to go off in the woods on my own but I remember being more tuned in
  8. It’s a great anti inflammatory its good for any inflammation a lot of MMA guys are now using it
  9. Www.alpinetrek.co.uk dicounted some of their lowa boots just bought a very cheap pair of Tibet hi worth a look
  10. It’s not cheap But it works you get what you pay for i don’t use it every day and I’ve had it since before xmas
  11. It’s not cheap But it works you get what you pay for i don’t use it every day and I’ve had it since before xmas
  12. I have an aunt with very bad ms fir a while a friend was giving her space cakes and it was helping and she had a good quality of life her sons spoke to the dr who told them to stop it immediately as it’s illegal shes now f****d and wheel chair bound but her family are glad their breaking no laws
  13. Same as above few drop under the tongue tastes like shit but helps with sleep brilliantly you definitely get what you pay for with cbd i bought some cheap stuff that did f**k all and thought it was a con a mate is using this to help with his alcoholism its brilliant stuff
  14. I use a few drops before bed for sleep I have back and elbow pain that it helps with also i use the indica one I think it’s called white edition It’s awesome for sleep
  15. I use cbd brothers oil perfectly legal and very effective
  16. I was convinced you’d photoshopped the bottom two took me a long while to see the snare
  17. Didriksens good phil Lloyd’s good i used to like Brian vesey Fitzgerald many moons ago Nostalgia isn’t as good as it used to be
  18. I’ve a few spots that hold good numbers of rabbits i keep these to myself now its very obvious the rabbits days are numbered if things don’t change
  19. You’d think people had never seen badger prints before
  20. Did a cracking red cabbage beetroot and ginger sauerkraut a few weeks ago
  21. I was once asked by the boys in blue if I had any distinguishing marks or tattoos I had two i told them no and they wrote down none ???
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