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About divemaster72

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  1. Good result for one of our tracking teams yesterday Short 500m track and despatch Many thanks to the stalkerfor making the call To find the number for your nearest tracking team or just call any of our tracking teams and they will help sorting a team out for you UKDTR UK Deer Track and Recovery
  2. Tickets going fast and only a few remaining. Click on the link below to find out what the prizes are and how to get purchase your tickets http://www.ukdeertrackandrecovery.co.uk/prizedraw.html Where else could you win such prizes for a fiver a go
  3. Tickets going fast and only a few remaining. Click on the link below to find out what the prizes are and how to get purchase your tickets http://www.ukdeertrackandrecovery.co.uk/prizedraw.html Where else could you win such prizes for a fiver a go
  4. We are holding a UKDTR intro training day on the 3 April 2016 in the Cirencester area The day will consist of a mixture of classroom presentation, practical dog work and shot site information for following up with a dog. These days are ideal for stalkers just starting out with a dog or thinking of getting a puppy for tracking. The cost of the day is £50 All funds go the UKDTR not the people giving the course...... See More UKDTR The vast majority of deer that are shot are killed humanely and quickly recovered. Occasionally an animal is wounded or cannot be found and all conscientious
  5. We are holding a UKDTR intro training day on the 3 April 2016 in the Cirencester area The day will consist of a mixture of classroom presentation, practical dog work and shot site information for following up with a dog. These days are ideal for stalkers just starting out with a dog or thinking of getting a puppy for tracking. The cost of the day is £50 All funds go the UKDTR not the people giving the course...... See More UKDTR The vast majority of deer that are shot are killed humanely and quickly recovered. Occasionally an animal is wounded or cannot be found and all conscientious
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