its the lurcher merry go round mate always been there and always will, it should be made law if people get a dog then they are totally responsible for it from 8 weeks old to death, if this was the case then there would be no need for rescue centers ect, it would be simple if you no longer want the dog for whatever reason then your responsible for having it put to sleep.
just be more found dead in ditches laws dont work.
if you get a pull just tell them the wee man in the red tractor told you to work away.i do it all the time theres always wee men in red tractors driving about them moors
You could always butter a few baps and bring your own picnic.......?
youd need to if its anything like shanes.20 odd quid 2 burgers 1 chip n 2 coke..
I have spoken to the caterer and the cost of the meal quoted for 2 burgers 1 chip and 2 cokes would have been £13.00. That included the caterer providing a marquee with tables and chairs for people to sit in if it rained and did it rain on the Sunday! The burgers and chips were excellent and in my opinion fair value for money especially when the tentage was included. But as LF says you do have the option of bringing a sandwich.
it wa
W0man in her bedroom doing yoga naked with her legs round her neck ..husband walks in and says,f**k sake brush your hair and put you teeth in,you look like your ma..
i agree mate but the lad i know has bred for own use dats dw im on about.and youd wana have a shit hot dog to beat his.
PM me.ive a dog here to run him.