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ferret features

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Everything posted by ferret features

  1. you were going on holiday 2 days ago looking books to read now your a builder then your an antique dealer ffs make your mind up
  2. does the DLA not pay for this my social worker sorts this
  3. youse englishmen brought JACKING to ireland
  4. If the dog i have run a hare on open land for 6 minutes he wouldnt be coming home.if a dog runs that long its no GUB .a dog in close to a hare not driving this boxing buissness is ballexs .gub n drive all the time.
  5. wee dr shipmans book was good.
  6. mad frankie fraser parkhurst tales.
  7. Mother superior was talking to the rest of the nuns,We have a case of clamydia in the convent,Am old nun at the back replies,,i hope its betterthan that fxxxxxg Chardonnay we had last week,
  8. theres a thread on general talk on here about the midland game fair.where someone says lurcher n terrier men are shoved to the side of a field somewere.second class citzens he says.hes right i think.
  9. Was in a nightclub on sat night and this ugly girl came up to me n squeezed my bum and said give me your number,I asked have you got a pen,,she said yes,,so i said go back to it before the farmer notices you missing.
  10. The antis only organised their so called protest after RISE and The Great GameFairs of Ireland got together. Surely a few euro is worthy of supporting your sport and a day out. But that's your own buisness. giving a few euros isnt the issue.i dont like being taken for an oul idiot this being sugested is to boost gate takings these people couldnt care less about lurcher n terrier men ever hear the oul saying.ruling by fooling. I am afraid to say that I consider the mentality of your statement provides its own condemnation! As I said it is not at all about boosting gate receipts - RISE
  11. once hes chasing he wont listen anyway.
  12. The antis only organised their so called protest after RISE and The Great GameFairs of Ireland got together. Surely a few euro is worthy of supporting your sport and a day out. But that's your own buisness. giving a few euros isnt the issue.i dont like being taken for an oul idiot this being sugested is to boost gate takings these people couldnt care less about lurcher n terrier men ever hear the oul saying.ruling by fooling.
  13. it also put people under an obligation to attend the fair.surely the capatail is the best place for a rally with the antis marching on the same day.heavy security tv coverage assured FREE.
  14. Just sitting stareing into the turf fire peace n quite alone ..........fxxxxxg GREAT..
  15. why not have it in dublin at the same time as the anti march.
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