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Everything posted by Sparticus

  1. Thanks, for your replies, interesting answers, very informative, ill let you know how it goes. I saw a topic on here a while back and thought i would give it a try. (Ill try anything once, well almost anything)!!!!
  2. Thanks for trhe replies, i haven't fed it to my dogs, iv,e rubbed it into them and dusted there beds. Its a powder that kills mites and ticks. Iv'e never used it before and thought i would try it. Does anyone know how often you need to re-apply it?
  3. Strong pup there, great feet, good luck with it
  4. Iv'e recently treated my dogs with diamacious earth and was wondering how long it lasts for and when do i need to treat again? I would be gratefull if anyone could help me out. Cheers.
  5. tht looks a tidy dog that, good luck rehoming him
  6. that pups a belter!! good luck finding it a good home
  7. She might not be ready yet or worst case u've missed.
  8. excellent condition Cam, nice to see
  9. Nice looking pup, looking forward to seeing her progress. Good luck
  10. nice whippets them, in great condition too
  11. thats a beast of a dog, good luck with him
  12. Great looking dog that mate, how old and tall is he?
  13. I wouldnt say it mattered, if the pups get too hot just raise the lamp and if there too cold lower it. Ull be able to tell by the noise they make! Best of luck with your litter
  14. good luck with your new addition, hope it works out well for ya
  15. good action photos, what cross is the black one?
  16. Really like the bitch, good luck with the pups that you keep, hope they make the grade.
  17. sounds like uv'e got agood one there mate, just do it ur way
  18. Bet that can shift Jim
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