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About trucker

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    Rookie Hunter
  1. bellman and flint terrier locator wanted would prefer the mrk1 . cash waiting and can collect .please pm me if anyone has 1 for sale
  2. trucker


    if its prohibition order then yes a full mot is needed . but i got pulled last yr for a broken light lens and the copper gave me a ticket and i just had to get it replaced and signed off by a mot tester
  3. tried it years ago and never again . spooky shite
  4. trucker

    lost my mum

    sorry to hear that pal .always said your mum is your best friend . just remember the good old memories
  5. sorry to hear that mate . make sure you give him a good send off
  6. trucker

    London slums

    1 gallon of petrol and box of matchs will sort this out
  7. sea fishing once the seasons over for me
  8. borders can make decent terriers but try and get a working strain with both parents grafting and dont forget they seem to be slow starters . jmo
  9. good looking terriers mate hope you enjoy them next season and give them the work they want atb trucker
  10. some body will take him on . a good bushing and ratting terrier is always good to have around the place
  11. im about done for this season had a good1 and just hope the next 1s just as good
  12. i think they should be legal quary in the shooting season lol
  13. that rosie needs it good and proper
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