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About Mullet15

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 15/09/1988

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  1. I did google it. Someone got me a bottle for use with the dogs, as you can se it doesn’t say for use with dogs so I didn’t want to use. Just wondered if anyone had used it and whether it is safe
  2. Has anyone heard of or used alamycin la?
  3. Hi does any one know where I can get some injectable penicillin or alternatives from?
  4. Cheers lads! I'm going to have a look through and see what I can find. Think I've got about 1 more outing left in the boots I've got, if not the desalt work boots will have to get me out the s**t this weekend!
  5. Thanks. I'll go have a look. Ideally need some hardy boots for jumping up and down on the shovel
  6. I'll have a look this week, try and get some for the weekend! Cheers
  7. Cheers, I don't mind spending the money as long as you get what you pay for. i was looking at the meindl or le chameau. But I will take a look at what you have suggested. Thanks again
  8. Just looking at buying some new boots, just wondered whether anyone had any recommendations?
  9. Anyone round the midlands make them or got any for sale?
  10. haha good point. i was just after an estimate, think the single i made is 18x18x14 looks big for what ive seen.
  11. Would anyone be able to give me the dimensions of a triple terrier box please? Quickly knocked a single 1 in a rush. But would like a triple
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