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Everything posted by shropshire-lad

  1. ok was going to take the dog out for walk to night but it is pis*ing down here in shropshire is it still a good idea to go out to night or to much rain like i said pis*ing down cats and dogs
  2. what about taking the dog yes or no ???
  3. ya think i will give it ago as this are by a estate too any more tips
  4. thanks jack you know what only one way to find out. i did go last night but had the net in the wrong place, but now i know where they will be heading, one more thing as i am new to long netting do you think i should take the Whippet collie long netting ?? she works
  5. Hi was thinking about going long netting tonight just looked outside and its cold and clear with half moon is there any point going tonight any help after i got every thing ready to go later
  6. i did see that one did not help much but lifelong cumbrian yours is spot on i have pm you back thanks
  7. do you just lie the net out and tie the poles on to the net ?? what about the bagging ????
  8. do you know where i can get a step by step or any pics from so i can have a look how to do it i never seen a quick set net
  9. Hi, can you take a traditional long net and turn it in to a quick set net as i do a lot of long netting at night now so it would be easier if it was a quick set net, if i had the money i would go and buy a quick set net. any help ??
  10. hi looking for a night vision or monocular to go on my AA S410 as any one got any good ides on what to get i dont wont one with a tv u have to look at will be for rabbits and some rat shooting looking to spend about 200
  11. i have a Whippet/collie but was thinking about getting a 2nd dog ?
  12. hi, what is the best working dog for all round work ferreting and so on
  13. i was just asking. I have some land coming up where the farmer shoots shot guns, he is going to give me a call when he harvest, so was just asking about the depression and the fixed address i have some where to keep it but i dont live there, i looking at FAC .22lr
  14. hi, i bumped in to a old friend to find out he as now got a FAC. I have all ways been thinking about putting in for one but all ways put it off, i am not looking to get one now just wont to know what would they say about the situation. I suffered with depression a year ago would this stop me. I have been shooting with air rifles for years, i have some land but nothing big enough for a FAC so just asking would this go against me, i don't have a fixed address and i suffered with depression a year ago. ??
  15. i will say to every one if you are going to get a 170 lamp only get the ones with a dimmer
  16. yep got a car adapter and picked up a battery from car boot for a 5er
  17. no need for a lamp got the 170 with varible power for 75 pound from TFM so will be off out with it to night
  18. whats the price like ?? i have been looking at this see what it is going to go up toohttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271053944990?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648
  19. Lightforce blitz used but in full working order. Coiled cable been replaced with new straight cable 60 pound good or not
  20. if you had 60 pound what would you go for lightforce 170 striker hunting lamp or Clulite Hunting Lamp
  21. thank you so much off to cut some trees down thanks again
  22. thought so still a good lamp or go for a not fixed
  23. i asked the lad about the lamp and he said it its not a varible power its a fixed power thats the lightforce 170 striker hunting lamp what he meen ???
  24. that's what i was thinking about like you said it will get me out there. I was looking at that 2nd 170 i have sent him a email as on one web site he is asking for 50, just don't wont to buy it to find out its fu~ked and can not send it back thanks
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