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Everything posted by shropshire-lad

  1. Thats what i am thinking about the kid he as kids but the dog not to sore about them running round he as never bite them be nice to give him a home but if he did bite one of the kids i would kill it
  2. i had it in there but next day it was gone ??
  3. jack russle help my friend said i can have hes 4month old jack, he as never worked with it and he said its a little timid and does not seem to like kids running round him. I have a 4 year old and 2year old do you think i could work with him and get him to like kids or just not have him ?
  4. ferret about 8months old free in shropshire
  5. hi bud of course not i would never go to any ones land with out them do you live in telford as welshpool abit far for me to drive
  6. I know but you never know if you don't ask Thanks
  7. Hi, my name is Cliff i am 25yrs old, been ferreting for 2yrs now have my own ferrets and nets long net ect and lurcher just over 1yrs old, I also have a air arms s410. I live in Telford Shropshire, i am just asking if any one need any help ferreting or shooting, or maybe you have to much land and dont mind me going up to on day and time you say. Thanks for having a look Just started making my own nets Thought it wont hurt to ask
  8. Thats good my [bANNED TEXT] is thinking about getting one
  11. Hi lads, I have been talking to some lads on here about my whippet collie greyhound, is there anyone on here around Telford that would let me tag along with them ferreting and giving the dog a go and tell me what my next move would be with her. I WOULD NEVER GO TO YOUR LAND WITH OUT Thanks
  12. ok thanks bud where would be the best place for me to ask, as i dont have much land for her to run. what is a good dog for ferreting and running as thinking about getting one to run with her ?? thanks again :thumbs:
  13. Shropshire Telford she is about 1 yrs old now
  14. could i get a good pic from her no to with this fukin phone lol
  15. no not thrown i will take a pic and put up in a min
  16. where i live is full off walks and no roads lol she is a whippet collie greyhound but seems more collie
  17. Hi what is the best way to get your dog nice and fit fast but with out over working her, i take her for a walk every day for about a hour or two but she don't seems fast enough?? on and off the lamp What dog would you say is best for ferreting ect as the land round here ant to big so need a 2nd dog that fast of the mark.
  18. pm how much for just the nets thanks
  19. i did go out last night the dog had none but the long net got 3 what was not to bad
  20. u know what fock it the rain we have had to day i know for sore they are noting going to be out in this as they dont like heavy rain dont know why i asked in the 1st place
  21. will going to take the dog out later about 10 i was thinking about taking longnet with me what you think ??
  22. ok thanks lads never been out when its been raining so will go give it ago
  23. hi been thinking about taking the dog for a walk to night to take some pics of rabbits with the camra but it as been raining most of the day here in shropshire do you think it is a waste of time going out to night will there be anythink out
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