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Everything posted by Running

  1. i have used my staffs out on a lamp i dont see why any terrier cant do it they will never be as fast as a running dog out in the fields but still worth giving it a go
  2. looks like a great day out thanks for posting
  3. what was the breeding behind and why did you have to put him down?
  4. Look but i only asked for peoples opinion on these types of dogs, alot of people are runnin lurchers, and some got pure bulls for bushing etc so its the perfect place to put it, if u havent got an opinion then dun waste ur energy and other peoples time!! How are the staffs skin for bushing?? like wat i mean does it tear easy?? post it on the terrier section as they are bull TERRIERS! This is the terrier section aint it staffordshire bull TERRIERS there skin is alright for bushing they get knocked about a bit but dont every dog
  5. i have a couple of staffs that love hunting anything they can very hard mouthed good nose will retrive they will work any cover
  6. cunning b***%*d got away what do you think it did doubled up behind the dog to escape? thanks for sharring
  7. had a cross like this in my local paper 50 pound they was going for got any pictures
  8. love seeing a boarder working great pics
  9. looks like a great day out and a great write up / pictures thanks for taking the time to share
  10. a few bulldogs and staffordshires all love the hunting
  11. voted and depending when it is, i might be able to offer beds for the night for anyone needing it london essex area
  12. that look like a good one there thanks for taking the time to put it up and share
  13. i will be up for that not sure about taking dogs though all you need is one little fight and the headlines will crush anything you hope to gain
  14. nice another good days outting for you
  15. Running


    i just use it straight from the farm me like and ive never had any bother with it my self same here no problems
  16. sounds like you owe them a pint or two
  17. look like a good day out they are some strong terriers
  18. nice little pup give it time and go steady
  19. look at those smiles a good day out
  20. straw 1.50 a fair sized bale and they have old sleeping bags that get aired during the day in the shed
  21. looks like a great days outing thanks for pictures and write up
  22. tried her in an earth a few weeks ago and came out as if nothin was inside so we treid another bitch and we dug a fox thanks fella sounds like she has come along since then and doing the do for you
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