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Everything posted by Running

  1. some great pictures thanks for sharing
  2. Is that your Mrs?? sorry mate i will stay away from now on. she told me she was single i will ge rid of the photos sorry fella
  3. http://www.(!64.56:886/l.php?u=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DmaHSOB2RFm4&h=2d82b4caea1d127fb42fe02472698152&ref=mf i dont know if this been put up befor but worth watching and listerning to what this has to say
  4. thanks for sharring not to sure about the port though unless it has a brandy in it
  5. i might be able to sort out a lift if its a case of the dog finding the right home fella bell me
  6. this has swept across europe in the last 30 years i want a peacefull life but not at the expense of losing MY CULTURE
  7. Will the EDL stand and fight or run again even if they did at least they was there where was you?
  8. good honest thread i am jealous as hell over some of these dogs
  9. it is all work and experience for the dog
  10. they only like the laws that BENIFIT them and use them to undermine what they dont like
  11. as sad as it is they have the right to march the same way we have the right to turn up on the day and oppose them in the strongest possible terms
  12. sorry people i never saw the other thread about this
  13. i can not belive that islam4uk is planning on having a march through Wooten Bassett what the f**k is going on it is almost beyound words
  14. thanks all,speak to you over the weekend fella she has done good so far although she is fat as butter at the moment
  15. they are about 8 months old now i have posted pictures of the sire/dam on here dam sire
  16. a couple of the pups i breed still to young to do anything but coming along nicely roll on next year
  17. happy new year may the coming year bring you nothing but happiness one and all
  18. sounds like a good dog with a cock for a owner i am far from a expert but surely anyone should be expected to see it through to the end after all ant that you expect from the dog itself?
  19. good day out thanks for the write up
  20. straw for my dogs i have never had problems with it
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