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Everything posted by Running

  1. great way of spending the day good pics thanks for taking the time to share
  2. let the dog see the rabbit is that how the saying goes just get out there with it as long as it is not near live stock
  3. great way of spending your birthday
  4. England my England Goodbye to my England, So long my old friend Your days are numbered, being brought to an end To be Scottish, Irish or Welsh that's fine But don't say you're English, that's way out of line. The French and the Germans may call themselves such So may Norwegians, the Swedes and the Dutch You can say you are Russian or maybe a Dane But don't say you're English ever again. At Broadcasting House the word is taboo In Brussels it's scrapped, in Parliament too Even schools are affected. Staff do as they're told They must not teach children about England
  5. my missus wont eat it after finding a false nail in one i took it back to find a tranny working there gods honest truth :sick: :sick: :sick:
  6. that looks a right mad little f****r
  7. Call him back he's ran off mate lol. he is the dot can you see him > * LOL Blimey I thought some of them Nuttall terriers were being bred small lol. what do you use him on fleas
  8. Running


    anti depressant you need them if this is what the working threads come to (feck them coppers rspca the lot of them)
  9. essex girls quick and easy just like a microwave meal
  10. lovely dogs in the right hands if any dog attacks somone its owner should be held responsable
  11. i bet you are well chuffed first of many
  12. great write up and pics a pleasure to read hats off to you all
  13. great pictures looks like you are having a good time over there
  14. good write and pics thanks for taking the time great dog he has earned the best you can give him
  15. Running

    Suck it Up

    They would probably join to get a vote and change the outrageous views of some of the bnp members concerning ethnicity and religeon...why wouldn't you join the taliban if you thought it would help bring them down .. When this country comes crashing down ??? Its on its knees now or are you daily sport reader ? I slept on the remark that i'm a liberal leftie which i resent being called ...and my last word on this thread is that i had forgotten that this country has gotten so low in its self esteem we have to label everyone ...Because i'm a tolerant person i'm labelled a liberal leftie ..
  16. good honest post thanks for taking the time to share i bet you are still buzzing
  17. looks like a good day out count me in
  18. thanks for taking the time to share great stuff
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