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Everything posted by .338winmag

  1. yeah back where i'm from they shoot deer legally with sling bows and arrows ,some utubes out about it , yer catty is top work as all ways Bigoy.
  2. Dankung should have some good lastic's and pouches ,er make your own pouches outta old boot tounges etc ,i took an old marks man i think an fastened tabs on to the forks with wrapped down elastic then used rubber band chains for lastic an a pouch outta a work boot an that very day my son shot a pigeon with it one shot at 15 yds er so an it was ready for the pot ,oh an if you tab it you can use small tubes like 2050,1842,etc even bands are possible just use a bit of imagination .
  3. I love it my self infact the last catty i showed on here is ash .
  4. Looks fine the spalting really adds to the over all look imo,good job man.
  5. Yeah it's a beaut in look's and design imo.
  6. Not at all Wally ,kinda funny a friend of mine from the UK said some thing to the same effect ,about a hawthorne catty i made him ounce , thanks by the way .
  7. Thanks fellah's ,Bob the ammo bag is styled after a 1700'sish bag i made it origionally for my long rifle it is brain tan deer hide i did near 20 years ago i reckon the spout is elk antler ,the plug i can't remember me hickory er ash yeah it works a treat for round ball can drop one at a time in to your hand ,the green stuff is some kinda rather stout string bought a big ole spool of it on the cheap at a thrift store ,it's just covered with many coats of varnish ,the fork is ash staind with leather dye then sande down to where only the grain has dye in it ,the knife is a old timer American not
  8. Made this one some time back didnt post it .
  9. Just fine i like the design as well the wood bet they shoot good .
  10. Good shootin man ,an i like the shape of that catty to ,would like a pattern mebe?
  11. Really good work man ,i used to make flat bows and shoot arrows ,hand planed ,reed etc ,though i used ,well still have some osage orange wood what i mostlty use ,sold off most of my best back when my kids were little an i needed money .
  12. Where i'm from we net carp by the ton [on the Mississippi river ,but i used ta fish em with lite line rigs an macaroni for bait on the smaller rivers took 20lb er biger fish on 4 er 6 lb tset .
  13. I really like that one ,just a beauty all the way around ,looks like a helluva pot filler .
  14. Nice work ,i really like the shank bender as well .
  15. Yeah thats a real down to earth meat gettin catty that is ,with i might add a good choice of materials they really go to gether imo nice work Longers.
  16. Good shooting ,i know i just have a hard time eatin the ferals mostly but most out here really live off the country side where i hunt still seldom shoot em any more ,but ferals is all the pigeons we have here left in the US as far as i know .
  17. Lookin good ,where'd yah get yah pattern from the man him self or some where else?
  18. Good shootin an nice lookin catty as well.
  19. Yes quite brilliant actually ,an the catty looks good as well .
  20. They are nicely done ,is the top one with the antler what is the fork part ,is it wood or metal?
  21. Lookin good ,i especially like the cupped one at the top .
  22. Very fine work imo all the way around .
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