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Everything posted by .338winmag

  1. Very nice that pic does look familiar ,the lay out an all mebe.
  2. Sum interesting grain on that one ,looks like it would fit the hand well an the bottom of it yeah culd use for a priest mebe
  3. that looks like one fine catty there man , what type is the wood an what you gonna use for bands?
  4. Wonder what happened to Brookie would still like to here some of his stories ,see some of his catty's mebe.
  5. Hey nice job on the catty's and the photo arrangement look's good too.
  6. Yeah nice job ,so what do you glue your frames with?.
  7. nice shooting, so how you gonna fix em fried er what?
  8. Looks like a nice catty ,and a nice bird good jobhow you gonna fix em?
  9. Thanks so much guys ,yes its a gum rubber i purchased from a supplier ,wanted to cut 1/4 in squares for catty's thinkin it should have some longetivity and the stuff is very streatchy ,actually tried to cut some bands but they were not real straight bit jagged gonna use em any way ,but now with your input i'm gonna try cutting them your way's ,an if i can get nice straight cuts well i'l provably stay with the squares for a bit as i bought a 1 foot square of it ,,oh an at this time i have some .440and .445 lead balls from muzzle loading that i'l use for game ,till i can get a good mold ,can you
  10. Got some 1/4 inch rubber the other day was wondering how i might cut it straight to make some 1/4 in. squares for my catty's any ideas would be appreciated .thanks winmag
  11. aparently he uses the 7/16 dia. for some of he's catty's,a fella said that here was a good spot to buy some in the states,http://www.reefscuba.com/surgical_tubing.htm, alyhough i'm not sure that is what he uses specificaly .
  12. A guy that know's him said that the tube's could be purchased at a scuba shop here in the states ,although i'm not sure of the address at this time ,but if your really intereste i can provably get it for yah's.
  13. Hello folks first time i've followed a non US site but i've found this site quite interesting ,I'm just a old hunter, trapper ,forager ,fisherman etc from a very young age ,was raised by irish folks but my family said that i was part english hehe ,seems to me that we lack some thing here me be old world traditions?as opposed to where your at the UK , love the sporting dog sections we raised coon hounds for years ,also hunted with beagles etc am just getting back in to the catty thing my mother in law bought me a marksman catty a garage sale many years ago and i did'nt really use it much till i
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