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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. agreed. almost cocks itself ! hope the hw100 fits you and feels good in your shoulder. amazing performance from these rifles. some say it might not look as good as a gaystate.. but it will match one .. or even outshoot most of them
  2. Chin up jimmy mate sorry to hear your sad news . cant beat a good fettled SMK 97 can you
  3. Mines great hots a 5p everytime at 50 yards easily. Furthes kill with it was a 50 odd yard crow that dropped like a stone. Amazing rifles mines doing 11.35 with jsb exact
  4. Yeah sold the 98 mate. Didnt use it much. Went right off it. Ready to have another go with the 95
  5. Very nice rifle there for someone mate
  6. Yeah there just as good as every other hw springer VM mate. Bit lighter but most people prefer that it seems. Mac i could always get a .22 barrel for it mate . I heard he was selling so thought why not.
  7. Lol mac dont need to save could buy a 'upgraded' cylinder right now.. but i dont see the point. I find the weight and balance of my smk perfect anyway and 92 shots is enough for me
  8. As long as its accurate who cares what it looks or sounds like...
  9. I thought the a&m cylinder was meant to give more shots than the hw one???
  10. Here you go lads.. new one added today.. my old hw95k .177 The 100 is simply amazing.. The razor (97) is simply amazing.. and hopefully after a good fettle the 95 will be amazing! Cant wait for the weekend
  11. Im getting my old hw95k .177 back tonight.. had a quick go on it when i had it before but this time its getting a proper polish! Hope it shoots as smooth as it did before i parted with it.. the guy hasnt used it much and im getting it back at the bargain price of £150 think that includes the panorama scope aswel
  12. They look nice.. but thats about it from what i have read.. ask Villaman .. hes gaytates number one fan :laugh:
  13. This is my beech sporter stock the new style stock for the hw77. Will also fit a hw97. Ambi cheekpiece. Swivel fitted by gunsmith. Mint condition as it came from the factory. Very little use when it was on my rifle but now i have a thumbhole stock which i prefer so this is for sale. I would like £70 collected from bradford or £95 posted (buyer takes responsibility) paypal gift or cash face to face
  14. This scope is no longer in production as far as im aware. Mint condition never used as i got it on a rifle i bought second hand and the guy just put this on it to keep his other scope. Seems a nice scope i just have no use for it. Comes with some decent quality low double screw mounts with recoil pin. I would like £60 collected from bradford or £ posted ( buyer takes all responsibility ) paypal gift or cash face to face
  15. The smk are not reknowned for their accuracy mate.. and that is the most important bit. If you can hit the brain EVERYTIME then you will just injure and wound the rabbits and could get done for causing animal suffering
  16. The best SMK for hunting are the heavy ones so you can beat the rabbit to death.. please dont shoot at a rabbit with an smk mate... Unless its MY SMK 97 or 100
  17. My 11.35 ftlb hw100kt using 5.52mm jsb exact 15.89 gr pellets goes straight through rabbit heads and woodpigeon chests and squirrel heads at 40 yards.. is that TOO MUCH power ...? For shooting in barns... probably. Farmer wouldnt be happy with holes in the roof even if it did mean less pigeons...
  18. How many good shots you get per fill with the .177 VM? Is it the standard hw carbine cylinder, or the A&M one?
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