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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Stage 1 sounds good enough for your needs DangerousDan Of the hw97's i have had a few shots with i couldnt tell the difference between the stage one and two. If i had more time with them i might see the difference but even just the stage one will transform your rifle
  2. Cant be resisted, the darkside as much as we try resist, and have belief in our hearts that we can beat it, we will always fail! :laugh: I have little emotions when I shoot my hw100kt well, I have had some cracking shots with it already in the little time I have had it, but None have been as satisfying as hitting a small target or shooting a small group with my springers! Im a springer man at heart. but could not resist thw hw100. the force is strong with this one
  3. she will love her present Simon mate and you will have many happy hours shooting together. all the best with her Sniper training as you say she did well with davys 97, possibly the 'easiest' rifle I have ever shot.. so the HF lads better watch out for an arse whooping from the ladies at the next meet Mrs pittaway looks to be a mean shot aswell so there will be some tough opposition from the opposite sex next time!
  4. Ive said it before and il say it again I thought my self-fettled, after I fitted a vmack kit myself. hw97kt .177 was the best rifle I had ever fired.. in my eyes it was as smooth as butter and didn't recoil too bad and the trigger was nice. THEN, I met up with some of the lads for the weekends shoot at rivington and I fired... Davys s2 97kt nikel, (possibly the best of the lot for me) Aarons s2 97kt Si's s1 98 Robs s1 97nikel in 77 stock Steves 97kt (cant remember which stage 1 or 2) and that other guys *sorry forgot your name ooops * stage 1 Spectre (tuned 95k in custom stoc
  5. Its easier to get a good score with a pcp! go with the 98's mate!! then when you do well you will feel a better sense of achievement. if I was into hft id use the 98 over a pcp anyday!
  6. Nah mate, no way is she getting left out!! few more weeks until the rest of these leaves drop from the trees and the hw100kt .22 will be my go-to rifle for a spot of hide shooting woodpigeon/crow possibly decoying aswel and as for the 98 don't worry mate shes gone to a good home! im sure you will get another one one day
  7. I remember you saying, when you came shooting with me at my permission, that I would shoot better with a properly set up rifle. put the 98 in my hands and adjust it to fit me with a decent scope on it and hey presto, getting the results now at 50 yards that I used to only get at 35-40 practice makes perfect... as for the 77, well.. she does need to smooth out a bit more, and perhaps these aren't the right pellet for her H&N FTT) as I haven't tried any others yet, she was ok at 35 yards, but really started to spread out at 50.. I should give her chance to settle and bed in a bit mo
  8. Aye they are lovely guns, cheers. especially the 98. my hw100 is a beauty aswell.
  9. Just a stage 1 as far as I know.. I got it second-hand not sure if there could be anything else done to this rifle to make it better than it already is??!!
  10. Cheers mate. if I would have been indoors with no breeze then it would have been a 1 hole group. the 2 shots to the left were due to a slight breeze getting up as i9 was shooting the group. cant beat that!
  11. That is the only 1 word I can use to describe how I feel my hw98 sfs performs
  12. min is 25 yards coz im shit...... only joking. I don't USUALLY shoot past 40 if conditions aren't PERFECT too much can go wrong. (however in perfect conditions I did shoot a crow in the head at 66 yards/ with a sub 12 hw97kt in .177 .)
  13. Now then lads! been out today for a plinking session for a few hours to run the recently re lubed 77k in and have a proper go with the hw98, took a mate aswell for a bit of company and to enjoy a lovely afternoon in the woods at the farm So the hw77k has had about 250-300 through it now and has smoothed out a bit, its shootable at 35 yards, and probably further after it settles down a bit more, and I put the scope on properly , rather than throw it on in 2 mins lol its smoother to cock now, but still gives an awful twang, as suspected it would, due to the pretty loose fitting spring.
  14. I have the KT and I think its a lovely balanced rifle with the standard cylinder, and not too heavy. my first impressions were it was a bit short, very pointable, and lighter than I thought It would be. if I could have tried a full length aswell I would have probably gone for full length!! but im weird haha so try both if possible, but if not you wont regret whichever version you get, they are cracking air rifles mate
  15. Handbags ladies ... Lol My new 77 is rough around the edges and twangy.. but i would have it over a webley/hatsan ANYDAY of the week, no, year! Im sure the hatsan is an 'ok' gun and probably capable of killing at close range. But its not a hw is it (even if they do have quality issues from new these days)
  16. I need to get out on satday with the 77 for a plink. Im getting withdrawl symptoms havent been out since last sat and that was only a hour Im in same boat on 7-5's this week.. by time im home and ready to go and get to permission the lights almost gone. Could take a torch and lamp to zero scope then try find some rabbits/hares.. or some bare trees to silhouette some pigeon/crow (obviously not using the lamp for that tho)
  17. Too stubborn and set in their own ways... my mates like that. we have lots of heated debates and I always end up proving him right but he swears hes right... my old 97 wouldn't group super h points under 1 inch at 25 yards !!... but Field target trophy were as close to pellet-on-pellet that im ever going to get out to 40 yards!!!
  18. at 35 yards if your gun spits the hollows out accurately enough then for me use any pellet wont really matter. 11 ft lb at 35 yards ANY pellet put into a pigeons brain WILL instantly kill it. I think with pellets there is no real benefit damage wise to a hollowpoint, I might be wrong. bullets is probably a different story, and a total different kettle of fish, that I know nothing about lol as for ME, I use the most ACCURATE pellet I can get into my rifles. for the record I shot a pigeon in the brain at 35 yards, and a crow in the brain at 40 yard using a rifle that was producing 8.8 f
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