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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. my window looks like it has a tree painted on it, not a breath of wind!! might have to capitalise while I have chance... Calm before the storm ..
  2. 99 over the lightning anyday! ive had 3 lightnings (1 xl) 4 supersports 2 hw99s and 1 hw95k weihrauch over bsa anyday! in the springer department anyway, (pcp department is too close to call. the ultra and scorpion SE's and the r-10 give the hw100 a good run for there money- its a close call.) but lightning vs 99 ... its a no-brainer! hw every time !!
  3. Im sure I read something else somewhere about one of these stocks rubbing paint off.. its the synthetic stock, but in a greeny color isn't it?
  4. I had an s200, great guns. I wouldn't mind an ultra myself, especially the SE.
  5. nice write up mate might try get out tomorrow night or Saturday.
  6. Bet if the guys at daystate read this they would be gutted that people prefer a 'cheap' bsa ultra to their rifles haahha
  7. "they must of sent a messenger out that BIGMAC 97KT was about" LOL mac, you crack me up reading some of this stuff you post :laugh: and the bit about Daz walking behind you- haha good banter great write up mate glad your back out and about. im going to go out with the hw100 on Saturday probably. might build a hide out of a few branches in preparation for hopefully some good winter woody shooting - I must walk/stalk like Daz as I cant usually get within 100 yards of them they must hear me coming
  8. Im thinking of swapping the hw77k for an ultra se .22. Is the beech stock version ambi-cheekpiece / left hand shooter friendly, Si?? Not keen on the tactical. ------------------- i also highly rate the AA S410k
  9. With whom will you be discussing?................ Woops! I meant Decision! lol And by the way KurtH why got for the hawke? Because the MTC scopes white out more with head movement and the Hawke is more forgiving IMO I thinm the white out on the mtc range is due to eye relief. Get it slightly wrong and it whites out.This is a GOOD THING as it helps you to get a consistent head/eye position, and you will shoot more accurate! For the record my old mamba whited out a lot more than my mamba lite.. But i think that was down to me not setting it up properly at first.
  10. yeah, I 'upgraded' from a standard 97kt to a hw100kt then I 'upgraded' again to a tuned hw98! if I had to sell the 98 or the 100, the 100 would go first and id keep the 98. as for the original post- shot properly your tx will be every bit as accurate as a pcp!
  11. Oooh thats a nasty hole!! Love my hw100, amazing rifles. Good luck with the sale pal
  12. hopefully me you and pianoman will get time to shoot together at some point, you can have a go on my sfs 98- its fantastic!!
  13. sounds like you've had a good deal at £100 mate! as andy said just leave that big piston weight out then it will probably be under the limit
  14. Had a mamba, currently have a mamba lite.. next scope will be a sidewinder SR pro. I have a hawke panorama aswell, and theres not much difference between them all, all very good scopes!
  15. haven't really used chairgun all that much so forgot a lot of what I knew about it, just need to refresh y memory a bit. but I was shooting at 34 to zero then 50 yards other day and after I shot the group at 50 I forgot to look through the scope and write down the mildots LOL I will calibrate it all one day when I can be arsed lol, but its mainly a target rifle for me anyways so doesn't really matter. need to do my hw100 properly tho that's my hunting rig so need it calibrated bang on as its a .22. cheers lads
  16. correct me if im wrong but the 97 and 77 use the exact same underlever, yes..? I recommended the 13.5 bisley ones as I have personally fitted these to 2 separate hw97;s I used to own. they are the perfect fit, to position them on the underlever without marking or scratching it you have to sort of hold them open a bit, but they clamp down and fit perfect! otherwise I wouldn't have recommended them! I have a set waiting to go on my hw77k aswell in my shooting box. hope this helps, didn't mean to sound arsey Midnite pal. I just come across that way sometimes lol
  17. Im using a mamba lite on my hw98 and I keep it on 10x so I shall also try this. thanks
  18. Not the best mate, that's the ! then the 95/98 I would alos recommend a hw 95 mate I had a lovely one myself. beauty of a little gun
  19. Id love a pair of these scopes to fit to my hw98 and hw100 but the mamba lite and panorama will have to do for now.. skint as a flint!!
  20. watch vermin hunters tv mate! with the proper technique a springer can be shot every bit as accurate. I shot my hw98 better at 50 yards on Saturday better than I have ever shot my hw100 at 45 yards.
  21. I keep telling my mates that a springer is every bit as accurate as a precharged but they are having none of it!! getting to the point where I know I am right and cant even be arsed arguing with them about it.!! I have all I need in the hw100 and hw98. no more new guns for me for a while haha.
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