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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. I had a combro. Decent for the money. They are flimsy tho! On the hw97 i used to mount upside down. With a few rubber bands.heard of people using cable ties instead! On a breakbarrel (hw95) i had to be careful so it didnt rattle around too much when cocking the rifle.. incase it broke! Easy to line up with the barrel.. But the f1 chrony i have now is definately better.
  2. They weren't joking when they said the TX was easy to strip!!!
  3. Yes I have! I'm loving it Phil mate, its a stunning rifle and very easy to use, but we are all human! thanks for the comment, nice to see you back
  4. At work on nights.. how i wish we had loads of pigeons in the warehouse!
  5. Nice to see you back Mawders I cant say much for the prosport as I have never had or shot one, but they are beautiful looking rifles!! the hw97kt is another great rifle, and these two you have mentioned are the top of the pile, you cant get better ! they are on par performance wise, so its down to what you prefer Garrick mate. try both if you can
  6. I agree ive shot 'hard' squirrels before. And rabbits etc.. Dont let it get to you mate happens quite a lot.
  7. Yes ive noticed acorns everywhere. I shot a baby/young one other day!!
  8. wish my perm was loaded with them, it used to be but not now seen a couple yesterday but they don't hang around. going to try hide and feeder method I rekon.. when I get round to it lol. nice shooting mate gun looks nice aswell, and the dog
  9. Mac your not wrong, Davy is just one of lifes true Gentlemen . a dying breed! he has helped me in various ways a few times and we have shot together aswell. hes a cracking shot with his tx when hes been up all night and still pissed And he knows how to have a laff aswell, hence this post!
  10. Cheers guys.. Lets be fair.. davy is a BEAST Especially when hes pissed
  11. I got out mate got a decent mixed bag, don't know if you seen the thread.. 'worst miss ever'
  12. Thanks mate Im sure you will love the 100 there cracking rifles!
  13. how do you rate the ns50 stu? im thinking of one nice and steady there, off a bipod? good shot mate
  14. Cheers for the kind comments lads. shes a beauty best £750 ive ever spent!! I think the wind will be up here soon that's why I went out today. it was still windy and quite blustery at times. trying to shoot in the intervals of the wind was my tactics today, and for most of the shots it was good, apart from that magpie, lucky bastaaard glad you enjoyed the write up, took me about 10 mins to type all that lot up thanks again lads
  15. Sure you will be out soon mac, you need to get 5 kills to beat me no pressure :laugh:
  16. hope you get on well with it later down the line we shall see if it withstands the test of time! I want a nite site, but I don't have a NEED to have one so its £400-£700 I don't need to spend so cant really justify it at the min. need to get some rabbit and rat permissions methinks !!
  17. THE ONE slight niggle, cant call it a complaint really, for me about my hw100kt is that the cocking lever is on the right! apart from that its a beast! I prefer thumbholes myself, and the cheekpiece is raised at both sides giving a good unbiased ambidextrousness for us that shoot left handed. never seen or heard of a left handed sporter, im sure you could use a righ handed one, theres no big sharp edges, like the air arms rifles..
  18. what was this guy on when he thought up this song.. I want some :laugh:
  19. you kidding me?! good fecking effort??!! I was trying for about an hour to pose that mini nutkins!! was having none of it!! :laugh: haha, nah don't fancy noodles today pal
  20. Ayup lads! been out for a lovely mooch this morning for about 3-4 hours thoroughly enjoyed it! lovely day for it, with on and off gusting winds, and the worst miss in the history of ever, but still got a few. the thrill of the hunt eh!! so to begin with I went to my usual tree to check zero, and my mildots at 17 23 28 zero 34 40 50 and 57 yards. well after a couple of shots I was bang on and checked the rest of the ranges. shot a 6 shot group at 40 yards in an almost straight line with 6 pellets all touching right next to eachother !.. indoors it would have been a single hole! th
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