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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Heres what i mean... https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=TsWCVI3EAdXlapjFgtAC&q=victorian+laundry&oq=victorian+laundry&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3..0l4j0i24.1764.7529.0.8028.
  2. Mac does his laundry by hand with one of them scrubbing board things and a roller machine thing . Dont know the name of them im not from the victorian times LOL
  3. Rez you always crack me up mate.. "SAS night vision shit" :laugh:
  4. Top seller here lads im sure me and a lot of others will vouch for him.
  5. Mines a kt mate standard hw karbine cylinder. 92 full power then maybe another 10 or so that would be ok for plinking. 100 shots ish cant moan lol
  6. Hw100. Just 'because' I have one and its amazing, put simply Had an aa s410 and it was brilliant but the hw100 is in a different league
  7. Rez one day next summer when the weather is nice and you have your left handed pro sport you should bring it over to my permission so we can have a good plink mate! How much is the custom stock costing you, and where from ??
  8. Wish i had rabbits on my perm! Just squirrels that are friggin hard to get a shot at and pigeons that you have to sit and wait for. If you try to mooch as soon as you move all the trees erupt with pigeons you didnt even know were there!
  9. Cheers gaz mate hope your well havent heard off you for a while!
  10. Went out last night looking for pigeon and crow silhouettes but there was no moon at all and it was a bit foggy so couldnt see bugger all. Gutted ah well i know now for next time lol
  11. Seen a squirrel and a jay both in range but couldnt take a shot as i hadnt checked zero because the cows are in their sheds so didnt want to shoot on the farmyard. Checked zero at the other side of the woods and it was an inch off to the right! After a few adjustments i went for a mooch and at the edge of the permission this big boy presented a good safe shot at about 30 yards. #1shot and down he drops like a stone almost causing an earthquake when he hit the ground! Was a right monster. #don'tmesswiththebest
  12. Gutted rez! Just put some camo tape over it lol
  13. Nice one vm my hw100kt .22 loves jsb exact 14.89gr 5.52
  14. Good banter as always lol. Might get out myself tonight if weather is decent
  15. If you get the ultra turnd up to fac you probably wont get many shots LOL
  16. Get an 8 ftlb smk or something with a half decent 4x40 scope and smash away. Should still group decent enough to kill at 15 yards with decent pellets and it wont over penetrate. Cheap option
  17. You do get what you pay for.. a supersport in fac wouldnt last 2 minutes... Hw80 gets my vote also
  18. Its chucking it down here aswel hope it dries up a bit and i might get out shooting at the weekend somepoint. But if its raining the only shooting i will be doing is squeeky 12 year old kids on call of duty If i ever get a car sorted out im sure i could make the drive up your end oneday mac not too far i dont think. Anyway take care mate
  19. Aye very happy days.. forgot howamazing it tasted. Fried it to perfection
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