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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Nice one mate, I bagged a squirrel and a woody today aswell. need to build myself a hide and get a feeder set up going, there too hard to shoot on my permission as soon as you move there gone!
  2. my hw77k (almost same gun) twangs like a banjo, but its still a great rifle out of the box, just harder to shoot than a tuned gun. keeps up with my tuned hw98 for accuracy and power anyway! im about to start a thread in the airgun hunting section after I had it out for a few hours this afternoon with good results. take a look mate. il put the link on here aswell. £250 seems fair aswell, I had one before in .177 and it was a great rifle. I have had these variants of the hw97k.. sporter stock thumbhole beech stock thumbhole synthetic stock and they are all as good as eachother,
  3. Tell him I have like 3 threads for him to read, and im doing another now after I went out this aft
  4. Lol never going to happen! Been out today havent seen a single squirrel or bird all day.. wish i knew where they all go to hide when its windy??!!
  5. whatever, he wishes :laugh: tell him I said hope he makes a speedy recovery, them rabbits wont shoot themselves Get well soon JimmyMAC mate
  6. another thing my mate does is if the rabbit starts hopping or running away he puts the lamp in front of them where they are heading, and wiggles it about quickly. sometimes this stops them or makes them turn around
  7. I went out other night, I had wind over my back, full (nearly) moon, mate walking like an elephant, and seen 2 foxes. still got one tho ) my mate taught me, to lamp with the main beam next to the rabbit your after, say from 50 yards, keep the lamp on at the side of him and he thinks your lamping something else and squats down, then when you get say 25-30 yards slowly move onto him and take the shot.. this is where a dimmer helps, my lamp doesn't have one so as soon as I put the beam on them they f*ck off most of the time! its better for me to have a mate whos good with the lamp la
  8. To be fair moley it was a MONSTER of a squirrel.. but still not enough for a decent bite to eat.. if id have had a few more then yeah, but Charlie got easy pickings with this one
  9. In hospital!!! Had an op today to take his appendix out, that'll be why he's been off a few days!!! Gutted tell him i said get well soon. Will be even longer before he gets to go shooting. By then he will have a lot of catching up to do
  10. Kopperberg is too expensive for me.. after all the money I spend on shooting gear and rifles lol nice box of bunnys there mate, your right he does have catching up to do
  11. think there a hawke 1 piece. had them a couple of years. got some sportsmatch uk 2 piece high on now and its sturdy enough
  12. Where is bigmac anyways, out trying desperately to get some kills to keep up with me?? :laugh: he hasn't been online since 13th
  13. 2 piece are fine for springers aswell if they have an arrestor pin. the scope tube doesn't leave much room for mounts/accessories on the hawke sports hd 3-9x50,
  14. Fried rabbit and spicy potato wedges and obviously some juice to wash it down with ..
  15. Got one mate but was in my bag.. wasnt expecting to get a shot at anything lol
  16. actually, rabbit and spicy potatoe wedges is cooking .. smells gorgeous :D xxx

    1. bobcullen79


      How was the rabbit? How`d you do it?

    2. Skot Ruthless Teale

      Skot Ruthless Teale

      Absolutely gorgeous mate. Fried it in oil and salt and pepper

  17. I nearly was, something about the way it dropped wasn't quite right! and it fell into undergrowth so I had to run over to find it incase it needed a finisher, which it did didn't suffer long tho, no more than 10 seconds
  18. Well that's how it should be, bang out of order sending it back all pitted, free re blue is the minimum compensation you should expect! at least you have the rifle you paid for in the firstplace now buddy. heres to many happy hours shooting with it
  19. Hmm, Fried rabbit a'la Supernoodles for tea...?? :D

  20. This .177 vs .22 debate could, and will, go on forever. Each to their own! neither is better, neither is worse. just like, Springer vs pcp argument- both have pros and cons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. so first it was the woody with the hw77k yesterday just before dark.. then the rabbit on the lamp with the hw100kt.. and now this one for the hw98 putting all 3 of my lovely rifles to good use hope Daz is happy with the pose effort, this one was more of a laying down poser great shot if I do say so myself, just sat about 3 feet up a tree on a branch, waiting for me to get on one knee and line up the shot. was slightly blurred the scope, im pallaraxed at 34 yards so it was either just closer or just further.. turns out it was just further, id say
  22. It was an inbetweener lol erm yeah, the .22 jsb exact 15.89 grain BULLET certainly did the job from the sub-12 ftlb air-bullet rifle my hw100kt only joking craig lol but yeah I know what you meant
  23. Inbetween mate.. more side on but still face on.
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