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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Thats pretty cheap for full rifle some places charge £40 + just for a silencer doing!
  2. Lol bored at work on nights and some guy bought some matches.. and as i always have shooting on my mind i wondered- If you shoot a 'safety match' and just skim it will it ignite?? Or would it have to be a 'normal' match ? Normal matches are £1.20 for 4 boxes .. but safety matches ar 95p for 6 boxes You can see how bored i am lool but you have to look after your pennies Also will blu-tac be a good thing to stand them up in?? If not what will.? Someone please reply to help keep me awake
  3. Yep freezer full... of supernoodles Cant get into the freezer its blocked by some heavy crates.. justt took delivery of 1000 limited edition korean ARAAM's (air rifle auto aim module's) and the kitchen was the only place i could put them.. want some sending down..? £349.99 each to you mate LMAO :laugh: :thumb:
  4. Couldnt see the scope at a glance against the bag.. sit in that as a hide lol Nice shooting mate keep at them, plenty by me aswel
  5. MY old aas410k .22 had auto aim..... What have i told you about mixing super noodles and that phish water strongbow keck all them e numbers are making you see things Lol Aaron has Davy been on your username?
  6. Aye realtree would better Theres too much white on that for my liking
  7. F'kin ell Aaron, skip to the end! thanks for the lifestory :laugh:
  8. for probably a bit more you might get a second hand AA s410 ..?? or a bsa ultra, but they have a low shot count so you would be filling it up a lot if there was plenty of rats!
  9. at night I find it a lot harder to guesstimate ranges , as do a lot of people. so the trajectory of a .25 would be very challenging ! I would say .177 personally for lamping. but I have quite succesfully lamped with my .22 pcp
  10. Haha nice one lads if I would have stayed out the other night I could have had loads, but it would be a waste. the freezer is already full and I only took enough for me as nobody else I know appreciates the great tasting meat on offer! their loss!!
  11. If only I had a left handed CROW sport .....
  12. Id have the 97 over any other spring rifle on the market. All just as good - hw 77 97 98 99 35 .. AA tx200 prosport - all accurate and will out shoot the shooter. But just something i love about the 97.. i have had 5 afterall
  13. Aye tis the hw97k .22 Wouldnt mind a tx.. but According to blackpool air rifles. It would cost more than a prosport As i shoot left handed so would cost more.. and i would want walnut rather than beech
  14. You do Need to get some target practice in mac .. Seriously tho glad your getting better mate. Let the ultra loose on them bunnies
  15. Got these 2 about about 30yards .. and missed a crow at close quarters pellet flew over its head. Doh!
  16. its nothing to do with your tuition davy.. its all thanks to the heat seeking FTT's and the Auto aim module I fitted :laugh:
  17. Just finished the standard fried woody and wedges lucozade this time no strongbow Auto aim SKoT
  18. HLS ..? hunting life ..... what? snipers. ? auto aim SKoT
  19. do you use your Auto Aim when lamping? obviously mate you know I cant shoot properly so I need auto aim here davy look at this ... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/307225-5-for-the-hw97k/
  20. I meant I thought DAVY had been drinking.. that's the only time he shoots accurate, when hes been up all night and pissed up he can and will outshoot anybody!
  21. I usually go on my own so use my scope mounted lamp to do the spotting and take the shots. I prefer when my mate comes 'coz then he lamps for me and I don't need to have mine but that comes at a price, hes pretty heavy footed , and expects me to shoot them from yards! so me telling him I need to get closer happens quite a lot
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