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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. what rifle is it.? what scope is it,? if its a 40-44 mm objective get medium .. my mtc mamba lite 44mm is perfect in medium mounts, but if you had a front parallax scope you might need high. if its 50 mm get high I would get some sportsmatch uk, 2 piece, double screw. there about 17-20 quid but well worth the extra few quid, they have never let me down and I have them on all 3 of my scoped rifles. better to position correctly than a 1 piece aswell, and just as effective, even on a high recoiling springer, if you fit the arrestor pin
  2. LOL mole where the feck did you get a star trek version of an air rifle?! haha!
  3. Should work fine mate. seen a vid with a guy using a 4-12x50 and it was fine
  4. Nice one big Mac bet it felt good to get a kill again mate Happy dayz
  5. Extra carefull to not lose it lol.. couldnt be bothered raiding the copper jar for a 5p to set off
  6. Cheers guys confidence in peanut butter is boosted now so roll on the weekend
  7. Cant go wrong with a 97 mate imho best air rifle avaliable. Keep the questions coming mate were here to help
  8. Il need a ladder then mole to climb the tree lol Off after work tonight and tomorrow night to 'pre bait' and build a hide then shoting will commence saturday
  9. Life's handing you lemons? Make lemonade then!

  10. As the title says, will it work..? I'm already hot on the trail, I know where they live, the main hole they like to use, but getting a shot when mooching is proving difficult, the slightest noise or movement and there straight off! so, im going to build a hide and sit it out. any tips on using peanut butter then guys?
  11. im not 100% mate as ive never had a tx or much experience with them. hope the pics helped.
  12. Nice one mate now that little confidence booster should start the ball rolling. Enjoy your rabbit dish, whatever that may be
  13. Cheers lads. shame about the Squirrel that got away like, might get him/her .. and a few more .? .... if this peanut butter trick works at the weekend. might give the hw100 a run out just hope the weather stays alright, it was nice today. not cold
  14. Lol stealthy!!!!! Big tom.. i try get out shooting as much as i can mate hate being stuck in the house. My permission is very tranquil and i could sit there hours on end plinking away
  15. Now then boys and girls! took the 98 for a good plink today out to 50 yards, and even in a pretty blustey wind every shot was within an inch! AUTO AIM!!! quick video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7UGYnJs6KI soon as I got there I bagged this at 37/38 yds in the neck just went straight down without a flap. that will do for my tea tomorrow missed a chance at a squirrel, lined up the shot, perfectly steady, squeezed the trigger, annnnnnd.. nothing! ?? Frikkin automatic safety! Doh! so it heard me click it off, as it was only about 20 yards and it fecked straight of
  16. left them at home lol. wind was pretty calm for a bit, but them it got pretty bad
  17. I heard the tx200 is a bit hit and miss with slings fitted? Usually you get a clamp that goes around the underlever and drill the stock to fit the rear one.. as shown here.. But on the tx200 apparently the rifles own weight will open the underlever catch thingy if the rifle is cocked and you try put it onto your shoulder. As it is just a ball holding it shut? Unlike the more reliable hw77 / 97 that has a more secure underlever that uses a button to open it
  18. Going to go after work i think. Going to be 11-14 mph winds tho so wont have a chance of matches at 28/34 yards!! And phone will be dead so no videoing! Thursday will be 2-4 mph wind but im working all day 7-5 so cant go! Then meant to be windy on satday and im busy sunday.
  19. If i had the money this would go very nicely with my .22 hw100kt Good luck with the sale mate
  20. Got a life.. just bored stiff on a night shift. Cant bring the gun to work neither so it is a waste ! Ah well
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