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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. eeergh look at all the tramps that shop at aldi LOL only joking guys, got to love a bargain
  2. Or maybe the panorama ev 40mm objective. for the little ultra.
  3. Hw95 might be a bit big at first but he will grow into it and never need another gun Or a hw99s
  4. Hw100kt. Nuff said? Had a s410k aswel but hw100 is in a different league mate! Daystates sorry GAYstates look good dont get me wrong but the hw100 is the better gun to shoot apparently. After shooting with my hw100kt i know its the only precharged rifle i would ever need Ultra is rated highly on here especially by villaman Personally i dont like the r10 Only gun id rather have than my 100 would be my 97 or 98 lol
  5. Least your starwars gun got sumat lol I bet if you took a proper gun like hw97 you would have got more
  6. Could have gutted that squirrel but couldnt be bothered i just leave them for fox/crows I pluck then cut the breasts off the woodys. Rabbits dont bother me could skin and gut them all day. Im not one of these weirdos that wears gloves to do it either lol. Yesterday i stabbed then sliced my hand on a barbed wire fence.. and then got pigeon blood allover me 20 mins later. If i get some mad disease and it kills me then ah well il die happy lol
  7. yes Mac buddy there pretty amazing rifles!! Thinking of re doing the stock, its too orange for my liking.. but then im thinking I might camo spray paint the whole lot, gun, scope stock! if I don't like it after can always sand it all off and then re finish the stock and get it re blued. don't intend on selling it, and its something ive always fancied doing. obviously it wont be to everyones tastes, but its not their rifle lol . its mine so il do what I want with it lol wont be 'ruined' beyond repair so might give it a try. if I don't like it can always sort it out
  8. Gore shot, Daz39 look away gayboy :laugh: First woody Two woodys off the same branch with a jerry springer within 20 secs of eachother.
  9. Well guys after getting home from a kickabout I grabbed the 97 and threw my willies on and I was off! After changing the spring round I need to chrono but I thought it be best if I put a few shots through it to settle down a bit. So I'm sat plinking away and then it started chucking it down, was a bit of a chill to the air and it was blustery winds, but if im honest, I would not want to be anywhere else. love being in the woods on my own clears my head . zeroed it as best as I could in the blustery winds and then thought right time to go get something for my tea! cant afford foo
  10. What does the fox say..? lol Looks nice Darryl
  11. there back to normal now.. 97 action in 97 stock 77 action in 77 stock
  12. As you all know paper targets are my main quarry these days! then the woodpigeon and grey squirrel mainly I get the odd rabbit on my mates permission when he goes but that's not often. haven't been down for a while so no update on the Myxi round there, didn't see any last year tho and none so far this year. Touch wood
  13. This meant to be a review then mole.? spend the extra on another tin of pellets we want a full chrono string!! :laugh:
  14. Feckin star wars guns! Lol Not my cuppa tee but if they put the pellet on the right spot fair enough
  15. Put a few pics of the rifle on mate im sure someone can help identify it for you. do you have a local gunshop.? im sure they will have a cheap scope for you
  16. Well done on the bunnies mate glad to see you back.
  17. Well as you know I have the new style hw77k and a hw97k.. I decided to change the stocks around as I use the 97 with a scope and the 77 with iron sights,, and I shoot left handed so the ambi cheekpiece on the 77 stock could be better for scope use, than the right handed biased, but still neytral hw97 stock... the comb on the hw97 IS A LOT higher than the 77's so I could not see down the iron sights properly and the scope still felt better on the 97 stock aswell.. so it was worth a try but unfortunately it didn't work out! not to worry. just had some time to kill before work and love
  18. O NO 4 GUNS IS ALL I NEED YER RIGHT SKOT :tongue2: :whistling: atvbmac :thumbs: :laugh:
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