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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. yeah I know what you meant. im just saying if its 11.5 with hobby then no other pellet should go over 12
  2. never had a 35 or an but my mate has and they were lovely rifles. im not keen on the 35 to be honest myself... but I already have enough rifles but this one at £150 is a decent price and I bet it shoots sweet . even if it doesn't it wouldn't be much cost and effort for a new piston seal breach seal and a mainspring. and its still better than any gamo/hatstand shyte
  3. Well if I get it to 11.3-11.5 with the hobbys then it should be under the 12ftlb limit with any pellet, correct? so I will do that, and then test pellets. not bothered about power but I would like somewhere between 10.5-11.5 with its 'favorite' pellet
  4. just seen this mate. you might need to make more posts before you can see it tho..?? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/310210-hw-35/
  5. The super fine Ret on the panorama helps me aim at single pellet holes and drawing pins at 34 yards better that the SCB ret on my mamba lite and if you focus your ret properly it should be perfectly clear.. the finer the better imho
  6. My mate got me into shooting. I didn't even know what a wild rabbit looked like, let alone that there was some quite near my house I thought they only lived in the countryside but when he shot the first one I saw it do a backflip and thought "whoa"!!!! then it just lay there motionless and I was like.. well nothing wrong with that as long as you eat it. we had some stew and I was hooked sometimes when im lining up on the animal and you can see individual feathers on its head or its cleaning itself or you see it blinking and looking at you you feel like your playing god giving it t
  7. I love my panorama with the half mildot ret shame it doesn't have side focus .. but I don't use NV so im ok with front AO
  8. I bought a second hand rifle recently my hw97k and the guy was using smk spitfires safe to say first thing I did was clean the barrel there in my shooting box.. might give them to my mate to melt down for making catty ammo lol.. there never going in my rifles hahhaa
  9. This is just after or so to re lead the barrels with the hobbys lead.. the hw77 has only had about 800-900 through her anyway.. and these hobbys are straight from the tin.. not weighed or anything. so they wont be the most consistent readings I could get. I plan on stripping and fettling, then regreaseing, then re assembly.. then put another 100 through each rifle to let the internals settle a bit then chronoing again outside to see if there is a power increase. hopefully not too much if there is one.. then might put a few washers in the 97 to get it to about 10.8-11 with whatever p
  10. hw77k indoors ------------------------------------------ outdoors highest 11.31 ftlb --------------------------------------- 10.63 lowest 10.48 ftlb ---------------------------------------- 10.35 spread- 31.8 fps / 0.85 ft lb ------------------------- 0.28 / 11.1 fps hw97k indoors ------------------------------------------- outdoors highest 10.41 ft lb -------------------------------------- 9.89 lowest 9.85 ft lb ------------------------------------------ 9.55 spread- 17.2 fps / 0.56 ftlb ---------------------------- 0.34 / 10.6 fps TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!! indo
  11. Hw77k outdoors 15 shots to 'warm the rifle up' then chrono with rws hobby 7.0gr straight from tin... 4 degrees outside 820.8 820.1 816.1 lowest 10.35 Ftlb 824.4 825.3 816.3 816.1 821.5 827.2 highest 10.63 Ftlb 826.8 average- 821.46 / 10.49 spread 11.1 fps 0.28 Ftlb ....... not bad ----------------------------------------------------- HW97K rws hobby 11.9gr straight from tin. 15 shots to 'warm up' the rifle 4 degrees temperature 602.8 601.3 lowest 9.55 ftlb 603.1 607.4 603.4 605.1 601.4 608.9 611.9 highest 9.89 ftlb 606.9 average- 605.22 fps // 9.68 ftl
  12. Hw77k outdoors 4 seen si's vid doing his old hw100s off the bipod and boy was it consistent!! just got the results from yesterday morning outside
  13. Save up some more..? I got a near mint hw97k with scope bag and pellets for £250 a second hand hw will hold its value pretty well. and the older the better.. new ones do have quality issues.. get a second hand one and strip it down and give the internals a good polish and put some proper grease in and clean the barel and you should have a brilliantly accurate rifle .. who cares what it looks like,, spraypaint it your right about cheap guns not being accurate enough for hunting im not a snob or rich boy in any way shape or form, but for hunting I will use only the best accurate r
  14. very nice rifle the hw95k mate it wont let you down. look after it and it will look after you
  15. Im saying Air arms diabolo field are my favourite all round good pellet. very good in every rifle I have used them in. but there might be a better pellet for your gun.
  16. I find if you dont have the rifle in exactly the same position it gives slightly higher lower reading upto about 30 fps !??
  17. Chuffin raining now soon as i got to the farm.! Dont think im meant to chrono my rifles !! Lol
  18. dunno haven't read them lol they sell a lighting add on thing that's about 70 quid! im going to try it out in the field tomorrow and see how different it reads!
  19. Nice one lewis mate The wind has been a pain in the backside here aswel 30+ mph today! should 'settle' to a more manageable 10-12 mph tomorrow so going to try get out for a few hours
  20. Kicks out some right readings!! using some stick on LED lights. heres a few figures. hw98 ((SFS tuned) fired about 1200 pellets) over 5 shots using falcon accuracy plus 7.33gr (not weighed washed or lubed) its apparently got a spread of 32.1 fps or that's 0.91 ft lbs! oh it gets better..... hw100kt over 5 shots apparently it has a total spread of 34.8 fps with jsb exact 15.89gr(not weighed washed or lubed) that's 1.4 ft lbs spread over 5 shots.... my arse!!! :laugh: hw77k RWS hobby 7gr (not weighed washed or lubed) heres 5 shots- between about 30 errors because
  21. I think small and pointy is better than too long, even tho the full length rifle is only a few inches longer.? still heavy is better and I have absolute noodle arms! the kt with the standard cylinder is perfect for me. only thing I think could make it better would be adj. buttpad
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