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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Only thing that beats a .177 hw100 Is a .22 hw100kt
  2. Mine was 12.5 brand new. After about 1700 pellets no change so sent it back under warranty. Did a full string today its doing 11.4 with jsb exact 15.89 gr 5.52 mm and i get 92 full power shots before it starts to drop off (6 and half mags) and its pellet on pellet at 34 yards. Its a hw100kt .22 all standard
  3. The hw100kt makes it too easy! love this gun sooo much!!!
  4. Davyt63 shortened a vmach mainspring for me and since then I have had it in 3 different rifles and its still bang on after firing at least 3000 shots. and he mirror finished the spring ends aswell whildt he was at it .. something vmach had not done. not much to ask from a 'tuning kit' is it, polished spring ends ..!! especially when they charge £ + for a spring, seal and guide tophat and a little tub of grease and a few washers that you don't even need!!! lol rant over sorry lol
  5. cheers mate would get a lot more if there was a full moon
  6. Ayup lads ! Went for a mooch around the roost after my tea and bagged these 3. I couldn't really see them as it was a bit foggy and the moonlight wasn't as bright as it should have been. I managed 3 and missed a sitter as well, got the elevation wrong and the pellet flew over its head! Ready! Result 1 shot SKoT
  7. got 2 of each as it says in my signature. never use the 77 and going right off the 98. LOVE my 97 and then the hw100 is a different beast all together!
  8. Im pissed off wanted/NEEDED to go shooting on sunday but its feckin mothers day!
  9. Share some pics of your new toy!! ask the guy you got it from what pellets it liked.?
  10. im going off my .177 's alays used .22 then had both for last couple of years and its just more to think about! sometimes I feel I need to use one or the other and stick to it! and im leaning towards .22 !
  11. some people call a bacon butty a bacon sarnie. or a bacon roll. or a bacon cob. LOL its the same thing but different haha
  12. Aaron and his gunsmith have done a few good jobs for me in that last couple of years. and fairly cheap aswel.
  13. I was using a mates rapid other week and it was ok but then I picked up my hw100 again and to me it felt a lot better. nowt wrong with the rapid.. it seemed slightly louder than my 100 and the trigger wasn't as nice but still a great rifle. but deffo preferred my hw100kt so you think the hw is better than the bsa?
  14. Probably 3-6 x out to about 30 yards.. so you have a wider field of view so its easier to spot them. 16x at 15 yards would be a ballache lol
  15. I think the sport hd only comes with mildot or 30/30 ? Its a decent scope . You could do better tho but it will do for now. The pellets should be spot on if not try air arms or jsb exact
  16. Sporter normally refers to the stock mate. you either get a sporter or a thumbhole. K is for carbine, shorter length version and the 'normal' or full length version is, well, longer! by a few inches. and you get more shots so a hw100s is a full length with a sporter stock a hw100ks is a carbine length in a sporter stock a hw100t is thumbhole and full length a hw100kt is the carbine in a thumbhole stock. then theres the FSB in both full length and carbine length with both stock options. e.g. hw100fsbkt or hw100fsbs (fully shrouded barrel) what a mouthful saying all that lol..
  17. Hw stock arrived today so when I get home from work I'll finally be able to put it together! DONT FORGET OUR PICTURES ........
  18. swaps is a possibility .. the other option would be to ring air arms and order one if you can.? might be pricey tho. failing that buy another gun with the stock you want or get a custom stock made. all pretty expensive options tho lol good luck!
  19. my one word I use to describe my hw100kt .22 AMAZING
  20. I hardly use mine but it does come in handy.. even if its just to stop the rifle laying on the floor or against a tree. So what if it makes you lazy as the guy above said its about getting clean kills
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