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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Tell you what tho, this combo seems feckin' heavy tho even for me. I am king noodlearms anyway but i usually like a heavy rifle.. might have to start going to the gym lol Dont know how mawders manages with the heavier airmax scope on his 98 ! Oh yeah .. he fitted a sling good idea that lol
  2. No i was having a piss then the squizzers came out of nowhere so i tried to finish off as quick as i could, but didnt get time to shake it properly otherwise the squizzers would have got away! Lol A dead squirrel is worth a few dribbily drops down my leg lol Loving these sidewinder sr pro scopes tho deffo worth the extra cash
  3. 31 yard wobbily 3 shot zero The hole where it landed shot in the eye
  4. Well guys put the sidewinder on the 98 so i have a matching pair same as the one on my hw100kt then zeroed and went for a mooch. Just as i put the rifle down to have a piss 2 squirrels came out of nowhere and ran straight to the hole in the tree 30 yards away I knew exactly where they were headed tho and shot the second one in the eye just before it got down its hole with a well executed kneeling shot from 30 yards. Then realised my leg was a bit warm
  5. good banter that's what I like to see. heres the scope and gun combo as you said it should be deadly Aaron .. well you already seen on face book IT IS even 5 seconds after I dribble piss down my leg but that's another story for another thread no SMK for me bigmac .. id be better off using one as an axe/hammer would get better results lol.. once you go SFS 98 or hw100 you never go back
  6. Hey guys i just bought a scope off this chap and true to his word it was immaculate as new condition. Well packaged and good communication, and banter. Fast delivery... and a fair price for the mint condition equipment! His name is .. RISINGFRIEND 10/10 Highly recomended from me and others have said the same. Cheers lad. Mr SMK Two-shot SKoT ... LOL
  7. Im confidedent that a .177 or .22 pellet will kill a duck if you hit it in the brain out to about 40 yards very sufficiently. From a muzzle velocity of 11 ftlbs. And i have shot a few ducks myself and they all just died on impact. Shot placement is the key hit them in the brain and there straight dead
  8. Nice result mate she wont let you down. Hw springers are great rifles
  9. If you got a nice gun shooting sweet then dont get rid! If the hw80 is only 13p quid just buy it and have both!
  10. My mate was hand feeding a swan some bread on our way home from camping out. They are beautiful and I know I wouldn't be able to pull the trigger on one. some fuuuukin wankeeeers about these days.
  11. Love these convo's you have with the rozzers whats the new opinel like for keeping its edge? I have an old battered one that needs a good sharpen but when I get round to it it will be worth it. good knifes and when am I going to see a hunting write up from you with the springer?!!!
  12. nice dog nice squizzer nice woodys nice gun.! nice result!
  13. I had a 95k in.177 and it shot very nicely just couldnt get on with it :/
  14. My new 2013 hw77k was rough out of the box. I gave it a quick clean and relube with the right grease and now its 'ok' could get it a lot smoother and firing better if i wanted to. It groups just as good as my hw100 and hw98 ( tuned) at 34 yards when i do my bit, almost pellet on pellet- but havent really tested it further Smoother shot cycle and nice trigger makes accuracy slightly easier to achieve. But all hw's are more accurate than the human controling them
  15. Been out plinking with the 97 now im watching the national and then off with the 98
  16. One. are you hitting the rabbits in the BRAIN ? just 'in the head' wont do. two. anything over 10 foot pounds at the muzzle WILL cleanly kill at 40 yards if you hit the BRAIN . you need to get your rifle chronoed. that's the only way to lnow for sure
  17. Cant beat shooting a good springer mate. Hw97 is the daddy in my opinion
  18. Quite a few blingy bits on the rapid now I likes the bolt
  19. Well in mate. Custom stock looks nice aswel
  20. I use a rag (cut up old t-shirt) and blast some ballistol on it then rub the rifle down with that. my mate says im over the top im that thorough when I clean my guns. Especially important if you have been out in the cold. and even more so if the rifle got wet in the rain, wipe any rain off first then go over with oily rag. then leave it half an hour and I go over it again! want my guns to stay blue/black .. not rusty orange
  21. it fell and then it was still so I thought job was done. walked over and it wasn't laid down but kind of slumped upright on its feet breathing heavy and there was blood allover its head and neck. think I must have hit it in the eye! then as I went to put the gun to its head as it was 2 yards from me it flew into the fence and then hit the floor and a few feathers came out of it and then it flew again! super pigeon!! just hope a fox found it quickly ... or it gave up its struggle without too much suffering
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