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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. My .22 hw100kt gets 92 full power shots at 11.4 ftlb s mate. Thats 6 full mags and 8 shots to check zero. Get 2 mags with it and a silencer aswel. Honestly i cant think of a pcp i would prefer. Not even a legendary theoben rapid. And the thumbhole stock is fully ambidextrous and even as a left hander reloading on the right is a piece of cake . Mine was £755 brand new but prices do vary. If i only had one rifle it would be this one.
  2. Had an s410k lovely rifle. Got a hw100kt now and its just all round better. Best magazine system. Effortless cocking. Better shot count than 410. Just all round better. Bit more expensive but worth every penny.
  3. Never even shot an r-10 .. but i would reccomend a hw100kt.
  4. I love shooting springers. Pcps not so much. There a good tool for a job but plinking with a springer , you just cant beat it
  5. Practice and a bit of good luck mate. Couldnt have kept it under a 5p for 10 shot LOL
  6. I go through stages with my springers.. one day i think 98 is best then 97 then 98 again... does my head in lol. So cant say which is best lol. Both amazing Got the 100 just for hunting anyway its boring shooting targets with a pcp. Unless it was a hft course that might be good. And yeah mines in .22
  7. Had a plink in my mates garden other night with a gamo whisper x. Wouldnt take it hunting tho LOL LOOK AT THE SHOT PLACEMENT ON THE JAY 1 SHOT
  8. They feel good and shoot good. Even smell good. Dont know if they taste good tho LOL They shoot good which is the main thing. 98 (&the 100) was absplutely bang on yesterday at 34yds . Wherever i pit the cross the pellet went. Would have shot the best 3 shot group of my life with the 98 if the 3rd shot wouldnt have been a wobble because i got over excited and fluffed it lol. Right guns! Daz i wpuld love a rat or rabbit permission mate. Need to go do some door knocking
  9. Best break barrel bar none. Most would say the hw80 is. Id say it was before the 98
  10. Ah right cool. My set of hunting sr pro's have done their jobs perfect today
  11. Which scope you prefer on the 97 then aaron?
  12. Yeah love these 2 rifles and my hw97 aswel. Hw100 is actually boringly accurate!
  13. I bought a 4-16x50 sr pro off risingfriend last week. excellent condition and highly recommend him as a seller. as for the scope. brilliant. I have them on my hw100 and my hw98 and they are amazing! zeroed both rifles absolutely smack on today and crystal clear optics and nice reticule. cant rate them highly enough. a lot better than the (also very good) hawke panorama.
  14. I do my .177's at 34 and my .22's at 28 (YARDS) and mostly keep my scopes on 10x just makes things easier lol theres a tree at 28 and a tree at 34 (then 40 and 50 and a fence at 58_ to check holdover points) that I put metal sheets up against to use as a backstop, and use that as a zeroing range from a tree I like to get comfy under
  15. Ayup lads! Got up and chilled for a bit then got the hw100kt .22 ready for a session. wind was about 9 mph according to bbc so not too bad. got to the farm and on the way down the track there was a tree a crow/rook flew out of and caught me by surprise. got down to 'the range' where I zero and got the hw100 bang on and had a good plink. had enough air for my last mag so chilled out playing with my phone for a bit incase anything presented an oppertunity. 10 mins or so passed and about 30 yards infront of me a pigeon flew and landed in the tree infront of me, which got my intrest .. cou
  16. Falcon accuracy plus in my .177 hw98 . Aye that was in the field where it matters never even been to an indoor range. I had a 95k luxus and the stock wasnt for me .. the 98 makes the difference by its adjustable butt and comb for ne. Im a weird shape lol and i shoot left handed. The adjustability on the 98 makes it fit anybody. Amazing. Had a hw97kt both beech and synthetic the beech was a lot nicer to hold especially with the adjustable butt and ambi cheekpiece for us leftys . I do prefer a thumbhole but the 98 is very nicely fitting around the pistol grip so can still hole her consi
  17. Cracking rifles best springer i have shot. Sandwell field sports tuned so very smooth to shoot and can produce 5p groups at 50 yards if i do my bit. Mawders will be along soon to sing their praises aswel Heres a 5 shot group at 50 yards in a slight wind
  18. Back with a vengence! Grreat shooting lads landowners got to be happy with that! Cant beat a hw100kt
  19. Result. Get a pic of the twins up lets see your wood
  20. When i seen them back legs i thought hare. Nothing wrong there tho. You skinned it yet ? My mate said hares have darker meat than rabbits ??
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