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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. I was stalking a squirrel today and a crow spooked and gave me away then the squirrel buggered off. Wish i had a shotgun to f**k up the crow circling around me. C**t
  2. Cheers lads. Out now camping on the permission had 3 little squizzers so far. Cant seem to find any woodys tho
  3. Hw100. K means karbine S means sporter stock T means thumhole stock. I get 92 good shots from my hw100kt .22 Thats 6 mags at 14 pellets and then an extra 8 shots i use to check my zero first. Will hit 5p's consistently all day at 50 yards with the right pellets. Daystates are overpriced . Never tried the r10 it might have a better shot count but 92 is more than enough. Had a lovely s410 few years back but the hw is better in every department. As moxy said the rapid is well worth a look aswel. For me tho it would have to be a hw100kt or hw100t
  4. The 97 has the rekord trigger .. probably the best you can get for a spring rifle. Cheaper guns wont compare mate. Tell him to save up and trade it in for aused HW
  5. Thats the general jist of it mate.. try it with one of your spring guns and loads of different weight pellets and see what happens. Then try it with a pcp and compare results Lol
  6. In a fair world you would expect the cops to test your rifle with the pellets you were using at the time.. After weighing out 10 and using the average weight of those pellets. But i suppose they could just falsify the results if they really wanted to 'do' you..
  7. Haha only just noticed! nice one all involved. Guessing moxy and risingfriend for the most part. #goodbanter
  8. I think .177 flying at averages of 700-800 and .22s going at only 500-600 shows that heavier pellets go slower Test same gun with 11.9 hobby 14.3 accupel and 16 aa fields and then 20 ish grain bisley mags and see the differences mate. I would if my chrono wasnt annoying to set up lol
  9. Cheers mate possibly camping on the permission with some lads farmer dont mind so il be taking the gun
  10. Get out and ask some farmers for permission mate thats the only way you will get it.. Might need a better rifle for hunting tho. Try google shooting ranges in your area and get some range time in and get used to your rifle
  11. Wont beat a 97 mate Might equal one .. but wont beat it
  12. Nice one LITTLE HUNTER showing bigmac how its done Them SMK's dont look too bad either
  13. You mean you 'shimmed' the rear mount .. ? This seems quite commonplace and normal. Personally i have never had to do it but lots of people do. Nothing to worry about mate
  14. There just like crows or pigeons. Bang them in the head and they go down. Might flap about abit but a follow up shot to the back of the head soon calms them down
  15. got a bonus rabbit 30 yards on standing unsupported headshot dont usually see them on my permission! And squirrel number 4 took me by surprise at 4-5 yards so gave it some holdover and boom look at that for a shot So thats 4 squirrels and a rabbit and a crow for the SMK100kt plus the 2 squirrels yesterday for the SMK97k. Not a bad bank holiday overall
  16. Il eat the rabbit mate cant be bothered with squirrel so i leave them for the foxes
  17. So after the crow i couldnt find in the long grass and the other 2 perfect headshot squirrels that didnt drop out of the trss i finally got my hands on one! The 3rd of the evening at 26 yards
  18. Just out with the smk100 .. got a squirrel stuck in a V of a tree trunk and a crow that i couldnt find both headshot. And hit the drawing pin holding yesterdays zero card up first shot frikkin deadly these SMK'S
  19. I only worked out the highest figure at 12.06 for prosport and tx 12.66.
  20. hope the re-lube lowers the power a bit rather than increasing it........
  21. Should have took the magpie home and took a pic lol
  22. Feckin love my smk97 in its new stock with the smk sidewinder scope jimmy mate. Would be the last gun i sold if i had to sell up
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