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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Changing scopes 40 yard group Shot placement at back of head
  2. Ayup lads had a good day today. Took the mamba lite off the 98 and fitted the hawke panorama and went out to zero it in. Got to the yard and gave it a quick zero and set off down to the wood where i usually fine tune my zero and hunt. Half way to my plinking tree i heard the un mistakeable guinea-pig type noise that squirrels make Quick mooch towards the tree and i got sight of it. Lined up from about 25 yards standing and the falcon pellet hit its mark. Happy with that Sat down near my tree and had a good plink and got the zero bang on at 34 yards. Shot a excellent group at 40
  3. What do you want from the rifle small and lightweight or heavy ? I prefer heavy rifles so give me a 97 any day. Imp is too small and light for me im not a huge fan. The un-tuned 97 might twang and recoil a bit more but it WILL be every bit as accurate as any Imp .. it may be harder to get good results from it if its a rough firing cycle.. but you have the options of either 'tuning' it yourself with a kit or even with its original internals a polish and re-grease will see it shooting very nice.. get a properly fitting spring,guide,tophat and piston sleeve and it will be a cracking gun.
  4. In the white pot? Thats what i use mate all is good.
  5. Check out Silentshot1 over here...! Bargain hunt master!
  6. Sure it will be a beauty when you've finished with it lad. Seem to know your way around a gun LOL
  7. I use a pump FX stage 4 Well worth the money 5 min job taking it easy to fill the hw100 from 90ish to 200 bar. Take it slow then it doesnt get too hot or you will have to top up another 10bar when the pressure stabilizes after 5 mins lol. I only hunt with mine so just top it up when i get home. Usually its 1 pump per shot ive fired +10 to get it to the same pressure if that makes sense
  8. Did you get a gun and scope sorted then, Lifelong cumbrian mate? I had a hawke panorama ev ao ir halfmildot 4-12x50 on my hw100kt .22 for a while whilst i saved up for the hawke sidewinder.. both great scopes for this gun.
  9. What are your thoughts on the weight and balance of your hw95 ? If you want a bit more weight at the front have a look at the hw98 barrel ...if they do them in .20 ? It will fit straight onto your 95 action
  10. Aye still going strong! Love it feckin right gun mate I know what you mean mate iv got the pick of 9 guns and another on the way but you no what one ill take out every time the cheapest one i own the tattiest one i own and thats the SMK RAIDER 22 its like its part of my body and sole , iv just had a thought i should not of say,d smk raider as it will stick lol atvb your mate mac :thumbs: SMK make the finest rifles in the land
  11. Thought u was going to put a fan on in an indoor range at varying distances and speeds.. call me old fashioned haha
  12. I hear they are good but we will have to wait and see if they stand the test of time for their reliability... Cant beat a hw97kt tho Oh and breakbarrels are just as accurate as underlevers...
  13. Nice one VM cant beat a smk100kt .22 with a sidewinder on top mine has never moved zero since putting the sidewinder on and yesterday at 28 yards I put 3 pellets straight on top of eachother. amazing rifles!
  14. Wow calm down there Simon! Lol only joking.. its same with Weihrauch aswel there new rifles come out of the factory as utter shite! Stick to what you already have
  15. Aye still going strong! Love it feckin right gun mate
  16. Even if you chip a bit of the nickel on the pin.. you wont see it the stock covers it when the rifle is assembled!
  17. Yeah just whack the pin. Dont blame me if you feck it up tho
  18. Just give it a whack! My old 77 end block was on that tight i thought i was going to snap the spanner in the trigger slot smacking it so hard with a hammer!
  19. I had an eb sniper on my old s410k .22 few years ago it was a beast ! Duno about the sunshade tho lol
  20. Big old rook.. 52 yards lased the tree as he was flying to it and got rested on the fencepost.. stupid twazak landed and looked at his mate that was over the fields allowing me to line up and release the .22 jsb exact. Watched it fly along its trajectory and smash straight through the birds chest dropping him like a stone with one last breath he mumbled a squark and the sky erupted with corvids. No more landed tho and buggered off to safety. Pretty happy with that #1shotSKoT
  21. The squirrel is in the 3rd and 5th pic can see the shot placement. Its hard to get near the squizzers on my permission so i thought i would try camo. So not really OTT For airguns IMO Seems to work quite well. Not much about today but just got another 21 yard elevated from standing unsupported. Died up the tree tho so no pics. Lifes just fun and games thought id throw in a few selfies for the laugh. Happy sunday lads
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