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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. True mac.. only the best will do for my SMKs diet's When i get chance i cant wait to test my 100 at 60 yards
  2. 10-15 mm at 60 yards.. wow! Sniper you Never tried groups past 50 yards. Once put 5 shots under a 5p with the smk98 at 50yds so thats about 18mm. I thought that was frikkin' anazing when i did that
  3. Sounds promising VM .. what were the groups like at 60 yards. ? Inch? Less? I need to try my SMK100kt .22 at longer ranges just need some decent weather when im not at the gym or work!
  4. Makes the gun look shite aswel. I wouldnt bother.
  5. The hawke sport hd is a brilliant scope and fine for any airrifle. It will do its job very well. Saying that the panorama is definately better. The very fine half mildot reticule is great and for me i prefer the panorama
  6. The gun will outshoot the shooter.. if your comfy at 35 stay at 35 .. it will kill at further ranges but only if you can put the pellet on the killzone everytime. I dont usualy shoot past 50 maybe 55 . Even closer with a springer 45 yards max for me with a springer
  7. Looks to be in excellent condition from the pics aswel. You got a bargain there DD mate. Great rifles arent they i think i fell back in love with mine other day when i put the panorama ev on it some of the groups i shot were amazing me as i was shooting them
  8. Some guns look better black.. this is one of them. Looks more deadly ! SMK Raider tactical.
  9. I thought that said 1234567 Dont know the answer to your question tho lol
  10. Movement always givesme away.. camoed or not. I prefer the sit and wait approach.. maybe im getting too old for mooching im 27 !
  11. My old lightning xl had studs already fitted.. one in the bstock and one on the silencer near the breach. I thought they came as standard?
  12. Got to miss every now and again. Would have got the rangefinder out but it looked like it was going to run so just took a quick shot
  13. I used to shoot rabbits years ago. This one was my tea last night then i went and shot anothe this morning check my new thread
  14. Ayup guys went for a mooch down the farm i will hopefully be getting full permission on soon,this morning. Seen a few but there was no wind at all so they must have smelled me coming lol. Missed 1 off the bipod must have estimated the range wrong. Managed to bag one coming up a hill and it was sat on its back legs. Pellet gave it a right whack and it span round on impact from 25 yards. Called it a day and after gutting the rabbit we had to climb a steep banking. My mate went up first with the gun but when i got near the top i nearly lost my balance. He was bent over putting the gun down and i
  15. Cracking collection villaman! I wouldnt mind a .177 hw100kt to go with my .22!
  16. Have you done that yourself ? Would be easy! I prefer thumb through tho
  17. Thats a very nice stock indeed. Is that a panorama ev? I had one on my 100kt before i got the sidewinder.. excellent combo the balance is perfect for standing shots dont you agree? Nice result on the squizzers mate im going to go out in the morning if its not too windy
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