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Skot Ruthless Teale

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Everything posted by Skot Ruthless Teale

  1. Shes all i need in a rifle mate. Always good to.have a plink with a boinger but if i could only have 1 rifle this would be it
  2. Does the 'silencwr' stick out a bit further than the underlever catch? Or do they sit flush ??
  3. I hate prone mate.. got to have a bag or something to rest on.. just using your elbows to steady the rifle is shite for me.. nice padded bean bag or a bipod and jobs a good 'un
  4. Cant beat a good SMK (hw) hw100 mate.. its all the air rifle youl ever need
  5. Dustbiter #3 .. 32 yard headshot. This SMK 100 IS SURGICAL !!
  6. If its brand new never been shot they must have had it 5 years at least just sat on the sale rack!
  7. Mr magpie joins the party from 30 yards . Also kneeling unsupported
  8. 40 lazed yards. I won't show the close up of the brutal damage the .22 jsb exact did when it smashed straight through its brain.. #1shot
  9. I thought on the 97k beech sporter stock that they only started chequering the forend of the stock a few years ago.. as in... smooth = old & chequered = new .. ? perhaps im wrong.?
  10. There meant to be good rifles..not the best but good enough.. Still rather have a hw100 tho
  11. Never tried a twink but id probably put a hw on
  12. Ayup here he is with the smk hating again ... :/ LOL you know there the best rifles jimmy
  13. 1 more sleep.? Il probably be up all night with the excitement Everyone is welcome to a few goes with my Razor
  14. Cheers guys just gutted i couldnt get the pigeon for a nice bit of supper. Ah well
  15. No idea mate. Haven't had her out in the rain yet
  16. 25-30 yards. Scope.. hawke panorama ev Pellets jsb exact. Wont be too far from amazing. Try as many different pellets as you can tho
  17. After re mounting the scope i went to zero her. Stuck up a target and got somewhere very close within 5 very quick shots within a 2p at 35 yards. Wasnt even trying! Then mr woodpigeon lands on an open branch of the same tree. Slight holdunder for the elevated shot and down he comes.. into some thick brambles. Went over to see if i could get him out and heard a magpie. Looks up 25 yard tree clear branch right at the top. Got the lazer on him- 24 yards. Held under for the elevation and 1/4 a mildot windage and let my smk-Razor send a jsb on its way. The maggie was stone dead up the tree so thre
  18. Hope your going to let me have a few shots daz? Only shot 1 tx before and that was Davys really nice. Wouldnt mind seing what sort of magic Matty had worked on yours. Ive done my 97 myself and i love it your more than welcome to have a few shots of it. See you friday pal
  19. Im ok with a springer but i wouldnt want to mess about inside a pcp myself.
  20. Just the 97 mate. Its my favorite and i like the challenge, and fun of a springer when plinking and target-ing. The smk 100 is my hunting gun i dont see the point shooting targets with it. Thats just my oppinion of course
  21. Yeah should be about lunchtime ishSee you then bud
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