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Oliver Organ

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Everything posted by Oliver Organ

  1. Do u think 37 rabbits delivered to hand from two dogs out of about 60 odd runs between them is good Iam happy would u be ??????
  2. There ok with breast plates my uncle does it in oz and she got 2 dogs that are 8 and 10 year old still doing it You must protect them properly cos yeah your [BANNED TEXT] it's a mess shame this country is such a anti hunting place don't know why we ent left to are own devises never mind off to oz at Christmas for 6 months are have to wait till then lol
  3. Kranky the pigs in oz there's 70% of them are wild boar but because of the Temperatures over there they have evolved to have smooth hair rather then are fully coated European boar they were realised there from Europe they do have a lot over there which have crossed with domestic pigs but its only made them bigger in size there's pigs over there nearly twice what are sus scrofa weigh any ways I won't be doing it hear in the uk as I want to stay the right side of the law. Thanks everyone for clearing this up for me
  4. Lads I've been to Australia and caught boar with lurcher crosses and they do a fantastic job how do we come off in the uk with boar as they are not a native species and they certainly wouldn't have been considered in the ban in 05 as they were few and far between but they have exploded out of control know.If there's a loop hole regarding them Iam ordering some chest plates as we have got loads round by me. I only want true facts not that u wouldn't run boar your self and all the crap that goes with it just want a straight answer cheers lads
  5. I tested it the dogs shit all the time on it so says to me they ent getting any goodness from it goes straight through all of my dogs personal opinion I go for a good working feed Peter masters or skinners for me if u want a cheap alternative try cjs they make a good ajuility feed ideal for working Lurchers
  6. Far To many dogs are being stolen these microchips should be fitted with some sort of GPS that can be turned on if reported as stolen and start to prosecute these shit bags its not fair on the dog or the owner heart breaking
  7. This is the pup that the post about I am hoping to bring her on With my 2 year old bull whippet x beddy grey they get on well which is a plus
  8. Lovley looking dog mate perfect time to do basics I am doing retrieve work at the moment with the pup can never start them early enough on the basics looks out bunnies round your way next year then ?
  9. I Like the sound of that Zack lol are try up load some photos what you running this season mate
  10. What do people think of this for a cross from previous experience she should make a good arounder please comment your views thanks
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