Yea am keen to see fella!! Am looking into making something like that but with 2"by2" lenths and using plastic corogated sheets as a roof, as I can get them cheap!! Abit like a cattery with the pens at the top!!
Pdj things did go to far! I shouldn't have said what I did sorry fella!! And what DUCKLING sorry i mean DUCKWING said was aimed at me but I couldn't give a t*ss what he says!!! all talk but STILL NO PICS YET!!!!!!
Let's see some of your birds?!!! U say you don't know how to upload!! Wat a load of s**t!!!!! You just scared that people will dis your stuff!! I would love to meet you duckwing!!!
As you say shoe box?? I put mine in a small pen to take a picture!! Also when I take a picture on my iPhone I crop it so it looks smaller!! So it looks that the birds are in a small pen! So you sold your bird because it was rubbish!! YES ??
You call these birds quality??? Are you for real?? Both pics at the top look pale faced !!! Well that's RED MITE, also the 2 nd pic looks like the he has scalely legs!! I would be ashamed to put pics like these birds up on hear!!!