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Everything posted by Sharper

  1. Good write up Kev. You will be pleased to know that it's Sean's turn next Sunday....I am bringing a hob that I have been teasing all week with his ear muffs!
  2. So last Tuesday saw SeanC and I embark on the most surreal ferreting trip I think either of us has ever undertaken. To set the scene cast your mind back to the week before Christmas; I had rung Sean to tell him that I was on my way to a charity auction at my local, where I had entered a days ferreting as one of the lots. I say my local but this would more accurately be described as a place where I drink semi-regularly. As a result I was nervous about how this lot would go down, having volunteered it one night when I had definitely had too many. Sean had offered no words of encouragement, s
  3. geddon Kev hope alls well mate. You should bring the littlen down for the solar job when sean gets round to organising.
  4. So last Saturday, myself. Senc, Mark and my other half headed across the boarder into the bad lands of Kernow. Seanc had insisted that we turn out at 06:30, despite it being pitch black until 07:00 and the land we were hitting only a 20 minute drive away. In any case we humoured him and arrived up at the farm with 45 minutes to go until we had enough light to even think about setting some nets. The land that we were on had provided Seanc and me with our last day ferreting the previous season. The rabbits that we took that day were definitely in the sumo category. During the summer Seanc
  5. dont know what you're talking about sean...
  6. So our season started this week with a Tuesday afternoon reccy to a spot that we only got one day on last year. However this spot provided me, seanc, newkid and a few others with 67 rabbits in 6 hours; not bad for a bunch of devon banks. We were gutted that we only got one shot last year at this hallowed ground, but the oportunity to kick this season off with a bang meant that we soon forgot about that. The reccy proved productive. Last year we had to call in reinforcements to tackle these hedges, and I think a conservative estimate would be that we only worked 10% of the banks. There were rab
  7. Geddon Sean. The terrier catch at the end was my favorite bit!
  8. You will have to ask SeanC (on here) mate...hes the camera geek. I know he uses a lense long enough to take a picture of Jupiter though....Perhaps he is compensating for somthing?!
  9. Cheers mate...Seans handy work...he dosen't really do much else so he should be good at it!
  10. With last trips bag of 64 fresh in our minds, me, Sean and Mark headed out this morning to grab a few more. We didn't want to score another big bag as all of our freezers are still overflowing with rabbits, so we headed to a more chilled out spot deep in the rolling hills of East Kernow. We decided to focus on bolting a few for the dog with a couple longnets set for variety. We worked three sections of bank in total over the morning, with each one producing a couple of bolters for Sean's dog to pursue; some good runs and a bag of 6 to show for our efforts. By 1 O'clock the mist had
  11. Good day had by all Kev. I'm not sure whether my favorite part of the day was watching Sean inhale a scotch egg in one when a rabbit hit a purse net in front of him, or when one rabbit jumped the long net only to knock itself out on the ferret box. In any case cheers to you and Mick for the help. Cheers, Sam
  12. Sorry strong stuff - a good suggestion and one i am defo going to try
  13. Thanks for the suggestion foxdigger and saintsman. I have tried doing the obvious thing and doing the collars up real tight but she is so small that the collar still comes off. I am thinking the harness solution might be the best way though as I have seen ferrets get through some amazingly small holes once they have got their front legs through!
  14. thanks for the replies. It is a mk3 nylon collar so I will try with the leather option. atb, Sam.
  15. Hi all, I have a small jill that is a cracking worker, but the problem is she keeps shedding her collar. I have done it up as tight as I dare without strangling the poor thing but she still sheds it. I put the collar on her whilst she is in her run and when we have her out playing and she dosen't try and get rid, so it must be when she gets in snagged on a root or somthing that it comes off. My question is does anybody else have experience off this or perhaps a solution? I was thinking about attaching the transmitter to a full harness but I am worried that this may mean that she just gets
  16. Cracking edit Sean and for the record that rabbit didn't escape.....but that was due to the dog fetching it for me!
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