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Everything posted by doge77

  1. She's looking braw, she's going to turn out a good for sure. Atb Scotty.
  2. you said it twat get one from your bro iam sorted now ,,lol,,,haymins wife says she,s going to give me tia,,,when he,s out lol She told me she was going to give me more than Tia, the next time he's oot lol.
  3. These are also known as Mahi Mahi, dolphin fish or dorado. When these fish are alive the have the most beautiful colours you will see on a animal and I think they can change colouration depending on mood eg caught on a fishing hook and pissed off, definetly looks like a female as the male has a bigger more blunt head! Very sporty fish to catch they are big, very fast, can jump over ten feet high, beatiful to look at when just out of the water and very good eating, well done on your catch I would love to catch dorado on light gear. Atb doge77.
  4. Nice pike, I put up a pic of a 30lb pike on the thread trout on a dead bait, atb doge77.
  5. Defiants in 5.52 where really accurate for me, if you have an r10 why bother with a lightning?
  6. BSA lightning tactical? If so they can be very accurate but I found them pellet fussy and hold sensitive.
  7. My pup used to get foam on her mouth when out for a run but she used to eat grass but since she has stopped eating grass there's no foam.
  8. I knew he had cancer but i didnt know he passed away, I spoke to his mrs on the phone then just left the money for the fishing in the box for the boats.
  9. fred taylors beat at tarfside where 95% of the salmon are coloured as its from loch lee down, it was the day after we had the really bad flood but up there its not so bad. You can only spin when the waters like that though but i use a light spinning rod and small reel and get some good sport.
  10. i had eight in 4 hours fishing on the north esk a couple of weeks ago all were coloured and returned.
  11. i never understand why people take there lives and there childrens, imagine killing your bairn and watching them die, f***king sick b*****ds alright. I know he never got that far but he would have if was not caught. A couple of years ago a young woman took her two young kids, one of which was still in a pram and pushed them first and then her self off of a cliff at a castle on the way to perth, every time i pass it now thats all i can think about when before i used to think look at that castle its stunning and wonder what the view was like, maybe she was mentally ill i dont know but still sho
  12. i knew it would not be long before skitter lips had something to say, you definetly type how you speak, a lot of sh*t. just you concentrate on holding back your tongue and getting a sun tan and drinking some margaritas, whats a pups age got to do with lost permission? get with it and i will see you when you get home MATE.
  13. bonnie wee pups you have there savvy, hope everthing goes well with them. oh aye tell your bro to take one.
  14. I used to shoot the course with an air gun until i got my dog, and used the dog for the rabbits as it stated in the permission that i here by give mr................... Permission to take vermin by any legal method, just incase anyone thinks i was running my dog where i shouldnt have been.
  15. might be a daft question but why would the keeper go off his head about the hares being wiped out? obviously he won't be happy about poachers etc. but I don't get why he'd be angry about there being no hares there? bad luck about the permission though, have you tried calling to see if you can persuade him to change his mind? it's not as if it had anything to do with you. I got the permission through a mate that we flyfish together and he has spoke to him but its a no go at the moment, as for the hares, i know they dont dig the same as a rabbit but they will still scratch about so
  16. might be a daft question but why would the keeper go off his head about the hares being wiped out? obviously he won't be happy about poachers etc. but I don't get why he'd be angry about there being no hares there? bad luck about the permission though, have you tried calling to see if you can persuade him to change his mind? it's not as if it had anything to do with you. I got the permission through a mate that we flyfish together and he has spoke to him but its a no go at the moment, as for the hares, i know they dont dig the same as a rabbit but they will still scratch about so
  17. Savvy how many pups your bitch have then?
  18. i will pick you up we are going on some new land tonight had a walk round with land owner today it looks good plenty about let me know how you got on tonight and the next time your going give me a bell, cheers again.
  19. Cheers for the offer, i will be in touch.
  20. what i have been told is a lads dog caught a long ear during the day when golfers where on the course, he doesnt have permission and i dont know if the dog was slipped or it was just hunted up, he was seen throwing it the rough, this was months ago then there were rumours that the golf course hares had been wiped out and the keeper was going off his head, then a letter appeared saying you have lost the permission due to hare coursers. I was on the course a couple of weeks ago to give my pup a couple of easy runs and i counted over a dozen hares that night and only about five rabbits so the
  21. Lost one of my local permissions due to daytime coursers, gutted as was fine and handy, only a couple of minutes drive from the house and was good for a rabbit or two on the lamp.
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