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Everything posted by jiggy

  1. Keeping details and releasing all details are 2 different things. Paper doesn't refuse ink. I've seen registered litters of spaniels with dozens of field trial champions on their papers for sale but the pups had terriers ears ?. They will tell you what you want to hear when money is involved.
  2. Couldn't of said it better and if you can see that by just visiting imagine what they were at behind closed doors when they weren't giving the customer the sales pitch with a friendly smile.
  3. Everyone who buys from him goes on the offensive. It's all fine getting an 8 week old pup off him and socialiseing it early yourself but I wouldn't fancy paying over the top money for a 16 week old pup that hasn't been socialised early enough and ends up nervous. It would be foolish to think that with the amount they breed that all those pups are brought out of their dungeon to see the world. You would pick up the same type in a pound without parting with a small fortune for a mongrel.
  4. They would probably have more grit in them plus they are non-shed.
  5. Sometimes you think you have a good dog until you actually see a proper one in action. Memories will play tricks on you and a fondness for a past dog can make you exaggerate their exploits when they were probably just average. Sometimes the best ones were frustrating Cnuts that didn't want to bond or curl up on the sofa with you and hunted for themselves and no one else. More of a useful tool than a companion but would catch more.
  6. That won't happen. Nobody is going to put out paperwork for 1000,s of pups for tax reasons alone. All those puppy farms only claim to breed 10% of the actual numbers been churned out especially on non-pedigree dogs with no paperwork. I know of toy breed puppy farmers that were operating on a licence for 16 bitchs or no licence at all that were keeping up to 200 bitchs before the regulations tightened up. It was laughable. When they were due an inspection they were given 2 weeks notice by phone call so they were busy cleaning kennels and moving excess dogs to other locations, then revert back t
  7. He will probably sell scoops full of ashes from the now retired incinerator and customers can extract the DNA and clone a mixture of all the best/worst he had to offer over the years. There would be a few good retired dogs in there that were past the point of been capable of breeding. Probably be a few with bockety legs and hips aswell though
  8. You should of said best land drove not ran if you were throwing them out the window of a Subaru ?
  9. I don't know about religious beliefs but xena the warrior princess had great tits.
  10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aron_Ralston
  11. Defineatly a TAXI DRIVER. I was close to getting 7 lumps of shit kicked out of me by groups of lads on several occasions and then your bus or taxi pulls up and you jump in and HIGH HO SILVER AWAY.??? They saved many a mans skin.
  12. Is this a hard man or a miss world thread. If it is I want world peace ?
  13. My dog is on an attachment behind bike and I do 25km a day and the Cnut still isn't losing any weight.
  14. In that case if the height of a man was 5ft 10 and could lift a 12 stone person on their shoulder then the women should be the same stats. Equal rights. I'd have no problem with a lass if she can hold her own like a man when a row kicks off in the car park after a traveller funeral. Every recruit should be made do martial arts or hand to hand combat for the entire training period and then be retested every few years after. Guards get passed out after qualifying here and never have to do fitness training after that then pack on the weight because the fast food franchises here give them free gru
  15. Do people not realise Chuck Norris is still alive. Superman was a close second but he died from injuries sustained falling off a horse.
  16. https://images.app.goo.gl/QNwxAsxjNMJsLHrc7 his suit fits fine
  17. Silicon breast implant in your back. You could even stick a nipple on it. ?
  18. He said he would fight Brock Lesnar ? 286 pounds beast is 130 pound heavier than him. That wouldn't end well.
  19. There was a few stories on internet explaining what allegedly happened regarding the hotel rape accusation and it didn't make good reading.Think it was an mma site. Might have been removed for legal reasons.
  20. Maybe I'm wrong and would be the first to apologise if I was. I didn't call you a rat. I said it smells like a rat if nobody can vouch. You could be a sound lad. I don't know but surely you know someone on here. I wouldnt feel bad if you asked me the same question.
  21. That's good for you but I smell a rat it doesn't matter to me I don't keep dogs any more. If you can't name 1 person to vouch then you must be a rat. Not 1 other fella on here knows you.
  22. Your name isn't checking ok Eddie. If you claim where your from.I rang people and nobody knows you. Can anyone else vouch for you that's a member.
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