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Everything posted by jiggy

  1. Just thinking that watching them come down the slide in fast but orderly fashion. I'd be climbing on the back of the fcuker in front of me exiting that door ?
  2. Fair play to the captain landing that plane under pressure and evacuated the survivors in 55 seconds and was the last to leave himself. Criminal activity suspected but who knows! Lucky b*****ds that any of them got back on tarmac alive. https://globalnews.ca/video/5242267/russian-passenger-plane-lands-in-moscow-covered-in-flames
  3. jiggy

    Dinner pie

    May make a big one because the dog will be eating one half and I got first choice on the half I'll be eating.?
  4. Buy second hand like allready said quarter the price. I bought a specialized allez racing bike off a 60 year prison officer when I built his boundary wall for 550. He paid 2000 for the full kit and rode the bike twice. He said he didn't like the hard saddle ???. I told him you don't like exercise and have too much money you old fat Cnut. I was sorry after I didn't get a mountain bike because I loved bringing lurcher out on a rope and he would tow me for miles. He would buckle me in 50 yards on a racer. Believe it or not I found women's mountain bike easier to run the dog on because if he seen
  5. I went to the shop one day and he wouldn't give me 50 of the half penny chewing gums after getting the money of Mammy. He told me your parents wouldn't let that go one. I said fcuk him and egged his door. You could buy an ounce of coke outside there now. I was known as a bad boy because I walked down the street with 20 chewing gums in my mouth. Harmless times but there was a family of 3 peado brothers living in the one house way too close so you and we made sure you were like Noah and the Ark and only two together walking at a time to be safe. It was some fun when we hit 16 and came and kicked
  6. My father had 7 brothers who most were away but would turn up at granny's for bank holidays and go on the beer together. They wouldn't give you the steam off their piss sober but when they came back for dinner pissed, myself and my brother were like magpies when they fell asleep on the sofas and the changed spilled out or god forbid they fell in the yard ??? Granny could see no wrong in her boys but we saw the vulnerable side and seized the opportunity for 50 pences spilling everywhere. Macyver had to be watched and we done what you had to do to make it happen.?
  7. jiggy

    Title race

    The Roy Keane v Patrick Viera retired interview was a good example of respect for former rivals, and neither were home town boys. But like you say your a UTD fan so the rest are scum at the moment ????
  8. jiggy

    Title race

    What right minded child these days would want to play football on a cold Sunday morning when playing minecraft on the sofa has been such a success? ?
  9. jiggy

    Title race

    I thought all these home town club rivalrys were gone 20 years ago after nobody could pronounce the first 3 letters of the majority of players names. I can just imagine all the Tommy Robinson fans dancing at the telly with a can of lager after local lad obenemsonga or whatever his name is just scored.
  10. I like your attitude but the ones selling don't give a fcuk and it does happen. I've seen lads selling very well bred dogs for 300.The yanks would pay thousands to get their hands on the same dogs. The same young lad snorted up their nose that 300 on a bank holiday weekend. Sad but true.
  11. The bricky I served my time with always told me that the man that never made a mistake never made anything. Confidence will get most things done. It might not happen until the 3rd or 4th time but you will get there in the end. I couldn't weld, couldn't plaster and couldn't plumb but i still went and learned how and done them all. Maybe when I think back it might of been just pig ignorance instead of confidence.?
  12. We are all glad he's ok but it doesn't change the fact that socks will know first.Thats what ninjas do ?
  13. Some well bred terriers get sold on a Friday evening too with decades of breeding behind them because the owner would prefer a 72 hour coke binge instead of holding on to what he has. Wankers like that shouldn't have dogs but somehow out of luck landed in the position to avail of some other mans lifetimes work and probably got gifted them.
  14. jiggy


    Not half as strange as watching abducted in plain sight on netfliix That sh1t was weird! Bird box was fake and the other shit was real .
  15. Probably like most addictions they are over doing it. Alcohol and cigarettes will do the same thing. If they were a bit more sensible about it then they would live to tell the tale.
  16. I was out waiting on a chicken killing fox one time and a half grown badger came out of earth and sat on my boot. Another time I seen a fox fighting a badger in full battle at the mouth of the entrance .
  17. I read some of his posts and he sounded like a well rounded fella. I doubt he has left this world or Socks would know about it and posted it up. Saint Peter at the pearly gates is socks twin brother and always lets him know even before they realise they are passed.
  18. Interesting thoughts hearing it from someone that's been there. What's your thoughts on the WWF and WWE wrestlers. Chris Benoit murdered his wife and child and crossed there hands and put out crucifixs and rosary beads and shot himself then. It was found out after he had a brain injury and steroid abuse helped him overcome it. His father was adamant that he was forced to take steroids to stay at the top of your game. The amount of pro wrestlers that have died under the age of 50 is staggering and the amount of injuries is staggering. Understandable it's all a show and fake but they still put t
  19. A bellman and flint will get ya fairly close depending on the humour of the dog wearing it ???
  20. My name is Tommy Robinson is wrong for a start because that isn't his name. I'll donate my salary! How much has he pocketed so far. Stephen Christopher Yaxley Lennon is his name and if he was any good he wouldn't have to hide it. He's another snake in the grass like the rest but coming from an opposite angle. Pushing the wheelchair is a nice touch for the video though. Well done whatever your name is!
  21. Best way to ruin a pup is to start on cubs. If they are in tight spots wriggling around up in to rat holes then the pup will come away. It's a bad start for a pup to make it exceptable to come away. The pup is confused and doesn't know how to find or dig on yet at that age. Without been cheeky I'd put the fault down to you and not the pup. I've seen experienced dogs that looked stupid digging cubs and any other day they excelled. You can't expect a full grown terrier to fit where even a rabbit can't. Bad habits like that can convince a pup that it's ok to walk away. Don't dig cubs full stop. I
  22. A few lads in Westmeath use them for hunting cover to guns and account for good numbers of foxes every season. I haven't seen one that would be just used for a digging dog only. In and out and a quick bolt which is ideal for knocking out cover bushing and then move on to next place. Handy dog for that job but I wouldn't hold my breath settling down for an 8 foot dig or the ones I seen would be well out in that time. They do have their uses though and are plenty vocal in cover. The only fault I seen was they were that yappy on every scent ( rabbit, hare, deer and pheasants ) that they sometimes
  23. My cousin caught a 5 pound spring salmon doing just that when he was only a nipper. Salmon are very rarely caught in that river. Maybe 1 every 3 year between the whole fishing club. Somebody seen the fish roll one evening and word spread and there was heap of lads down there using the very best of gear but the young lad brought it home with a hazel stick and a hook, line and an earthworm that he borrowed off my father. He couldn't afford a rod at the time and his own father wouldn't buy him one so he always went with my Dad.
  24. jiggy


    If the stick was any longer he would pole vault out of that enclosure and head back to the woods to hang out and do whatever ninja bears do!
  25. Fair point but like I said earlier it's bitter now but in a few generations it will clear when our grandkids won't give a sh1t about a battle that's history.
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