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Everything posted by Guasko


  2. I use three or four JRT in foxhole, all my dogs are 10'-12' (height) and 5-6 kg, they are little and very fast under the hearth... the fox bolting is fast... only three or four? what about big places? yes, in big places...
  3. I use three or four JRT in foxhole, all my dogs are 10'-12' (height) and 5-6 kg, they are little and very fast under the hearth... the fox bolting is fast... only three or four? what about big places? show shite australian russells.this is the people that ruined the terrier game in italy,banned full contact test only cos they had not good dogs and so on. Vergognati a mettere questi video.non rappresentano niente. Non devi confondere. La volpe nel video è già stata abbattuta durante una regolare battuta di caccia con guardia venatoria presente, nn l'hanno ammazzata i ca
  4. I use three or four JRT in foxhole, all my dogs are 10'-12' (height) and 5-6 kg, they are little and very fast under the hearth... the fox bolting is fast...
  5. AIUTO!!!!!!!!!! una jack di 6 anni cerca urgentemente casa!!è stata usata come fattrice da un bastardo e i deficietni che l'hanno presa (solo domenica!!) non la possono tenere perchè il marito e la figlia non la vogliono perchè puzza e non è educata (!!!!) e quindi a breve la porteranno in canile!!aiutatemi vi prego, appena avrò una foto la posto!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    3. GrCh


      sorry to hear that Guasko can you not re-home hime yourself?

    4. paulus


      i had one of them and the leggs fell off....lol

  6. Fox hunting: after the bolting: http://youtu.be/52mG84BPprM Myocastor Coypu (10 kg) in artificial tube: http://youtu.be/uloFhK5Tjfs
  7. thanks Rik! in Italy: Fox, Myocastor Coypu, Badger... Ciao
  8. Vendo Locator Deben Long Range Terrier Finder con 2 collari praticamente nuovo! Un collare mai usato.

    1. PIL


      Where's no 1 when you need him .lol

  9. Hi, my name is Paolo, I've 9 working JRT!
  10. ATTENZIONE! per residenti Vercelli e zone limitrofe... servono urgentemente coperte e cibo per i cani del Canile Consortile di BorgoVercelli VC!!!

    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      Aye, Vercelli for president!

    2. GrCh


      i liked the one who shagged the prozzies.

    3. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      I preferred the young thing he was nobbing. lol

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