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Everything posted by broonball

  1. My mate has a whippet lurcher so hav had him up there a few times. Last time I was up it was off so wasn't wantin to send the old boy up if it wasn't on.I think u sorted a lad some jills in gateshead, I gave him a hob kit aswe.
  2. Cheers u seem like a handy 1 to know. Thanks
  3. Foxing text talk! ( Any one) :-)
  4. [NO TEXT TALK] know when the whippets are on at westerhope? He was guna have a look up there aswell. Cheers
  5. Dogs been pts so he's lookin for a small collie x lurcher. He's not wantin a young pup as he's too old himself but would probably take on a dog from 1-3 year old.its guna b a companion rather than a true grafter but if it catches he will be over the moon.so if [NO TEXT TALK] has or hears of a small lurcher with a bit of collie in it,jacker,too slow not a problem here. could you pm me details and I'll pass it on. I only know this fella through the mrs and as he walked his dog past the house every couple of days. I said I'd try and help find something.collie whip would be ideal, Anywhere in nor
  6. Aye it was canny mate good to be home though.good to hear the jills are well, they should turn out crackers. Has the lighter one stayed white on its head? She was a bonny 1! Cheers
  7. iv finally found a home for my last 2 kits. Been away a week and a pal has managed to line a home up for the two hobs. Iv converted my two hutches into 1 today and the kits are loving the extra space.I also gave some meat to my neighbours 2 jills and noticed they are considerably smaller than the two iv kept. Is there a chance the mother could still be giving milk at almost 10 weeks? The kits have been eating meat since before they opened there eyes and because there was 13 I fed cat milk a bit aswel.its just an observation but the kits were all the same size there or there abouts when they we
  8. it cost nothing but time to help someone out who shows interest. Them jills look great I'm tryin to get a polecat jill kit once iv homed my last two hob kits.struggling atm tho due to time wasters, iv turned people away yourself included because people had asked for them. Properly irritating!anyway good luck and good idea with the gate problem. Cheers john
  9. so where exactly did kenneth turn up? was he picked up as a stray or handed in as unwanted? it would give a bit peace of mind knowing a bit more about the case in question. location..newcastle area? that could be quite a widespread area. cheers john
  10. Down to two remaining, 1 albino has been claimed. Cheers john
  11. FREE TO GOOD HOME 3 hob kits 8weeks old in northumberland, readvertising due to time wasters. 2albino 1blackeyed pm me if interested. cheers john
  12. She doees get out mate but iv gotta sit out with her as she can climb the walls. I'm moving shortly so I'm waiting to make a good run for them aswell. This thread isn't about looking after them, I know about the caring/excersise part of things. it was about the change in attitude towards rabbiting. Cheers
  13. Haha sorry think u got wrong end of stick. they are well weaned mate, she still wants to feed them all the time tho. I give them a rabbit every evening and she looks as if to say is that it. What I meant was she's frantic at times climbing the mesh wanting to be out away from them a bit.it seemed to work anyway she was more settled after her little trip out. My post was more asking if [NO TEXT TALK] else had noticed the change in behaviour toward workin after kits. Cheers john
  14. My jill has been getting noticibly more frustrated as her kits have grown (8weeks). So I took her out tonight and let her bolt some rabbits for the pup, thinking a bit of time away mite do her good. Luckily I'd shot a couple earlier as the pup tripped over in the long grass and missed a second runner aswel. Point is does/has anyone used there jill relatively soon after her feeding kits?I noticed she was much quicker covering the warren and was definitely using every hole I could see and the few bolts I didn't, it seemed like the kits had upped her instinct.let's hope she continues come septemb
  15. iv got the kits weaned they are eating solids all the time now, some have started drinking from the bottle aswell as the bowl. im planning on keeping 2of the jills myself and one hob. going to get him vasectomised, will he be ok bringing the jills outa season and how old should he be before i hav him snipped? if i kept two hobs and had both snipped would they still fight come the breeding season.? i dont want to have to seperate them up at all really so....should i just keep the 1? there is still hobs spare from the litter if [NO TEXT TALK] is interested. any advice would be great. cheers
  16. Meldon? Enlighten me. I still need homes for the 2jills, where abouts are you. I think I saw u post about kits the other day, did u mention the NE ferret rescue? Cheers john
  17. Hi iv got 3hob kits free if u wanted 1. I'm over near hexham, 2albino 1sandy/silver. Be ready start of july. Good working parents. Cheers john
  18. Hi iv still got 5kits needing homes 2albino jills, 2albino hobs and a black eyed hob. Free to good homes fit and healthy 6weeks tomorrow eating anything I give them. Be ready start of july. Cheers john
  19. First litter of 13 all doing well 6 weeks on thursday. Been eatin rabbit hare etc for about 2weeks now. Mite also hav to get a hutch with a lid they are gettin quick! Got homes lined up for them still some spare.
  20. cheers, i changed to kitten milk to help jill as these kits have got big quick, iv also been givin her rabbit, chicken,eggs,fish . iv been feedin half the kits a plate of the milk while jill fed the other half then swapped, she seemed grateful for the help, all the kits hav now started eatin the same solids as jill i hav been wetting the ferret food on the plate and they come out to get it. they have all opened at least 1 eye each now and are becoming slightly adventurous jill decided to swap hutches the other day so i just let her, it gave me a chance to clean her nest box out which i hadnt d
  21. nice 1 that is pretty much the plan, she had an excellent run last week whilst walking about 200yds, the rabbit had half that and i swear she was two strides behind it when it went to ground, come september i'll hav her ferreting to get her confidence up and her head down,give her some focus on the task. she's started following my hand signals which i never expected, it honestly seems like everyday something new clicks in her. cheers the pup is in my avatar
  22. hi my bitch pup is 23tts atm dont think she's got much more to go???? what sorta standard would you expect of a pup this age? she listens but doesnt always act, she knows right from wrong but i think atm she's goin through a BITCHY stage where the crime is worth the punishment. she's my 1st dog and im happy with her progress day by day, one thing that is buggin me tho is her hunting on after a chase, i dont know how to stop her apart from putting the lead back on. if we're on our normal walk she tends to be fine, but its when we go elsewhere she just has to know whats round the corner so to sp
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