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Everything posted by broonball

  1. If I run away she follows, but leaves the rabbit. I can get her to carry it home on the lead but off it I think she would just leave it. Definitely some food for thought here and I'll be out trying it out later. Iv also thought if I walk her, let her hunt up etc then do the training when we get back she might want to play/train rather than be back in the house?? I'm not expecting miracles and like said above she is still young. Thanks and keep it coming as I'm always willing to learn more and the more options I have the easier it should be to find what works for us. Cheers
  2. Beach caster time, what breaking strain?lol Cheers
  3. Iv tried in the garden and she's not interested if its cold. If its fresh she runs off with it??? Its frustrating, I'll keep trying tho. Not much I can do but be persistent. I think it mite be down to takin mingin stuff off her when she was younger?
  4. My pup is 10months. I'll hold me hands up here and say I havnt put the work in retrieving as I thought it would come naturally. She retrieves in the house, garden and field to a point. When she gets a rabbit tho its away to eat it!!! If we're out she will retrieve a ball until she gets a scent. Just wanted any tips on teaching an older pup to retrieve? I got purdys progress the other day and its a bit depressin to be honest as I feel like I'v done it all wrong. Any advice on what people have done to correct the problem please. Also iv been thinking, once I can get out wi the ferrets a bit more
  5. I shot one in the garden the other night, took dog down to find it and it bit her on the nose, as she backed off the squirrel had hold of her rope, ao the dog started bucking like a horse ant the squirrel was going round and round her head, one of the funniest things iv ever seen.I think next time she will rag it properly but as a 1st experience it was hilarious.
  6. Aye life in the old dog yet! Still lookin for a small collie lurcher lads if [NO TEXT TALK] comes across one in the north east. Cheers
  7. iv just read this thread so i will ask the bloke tomorrow if it helps? he is really wanting summat wi collie in it as that is what he's always had but i could explain the situation. he's 84 so woteva he gets will be his final roll of the dice so to speak, so he cant be blamed for wanting what he wants. what ever dog he gets i can guarantee it will be well treat and will be given more time than most and will be with him wherever he goes. cheers
  8. what sorta pup is it? mine foxed herself last week jumped a new barbed wire fence chasing a rabbit, but there was the old fence behind and she landed on the only bloody bit that was still up!!! few staples and she's right as rain now but i tell you i shat myself because she was outa sight .......injury #1. 10months.
  9. yeah thats him, looking forward to seeing the pup. iv got mine to start this season she'll be a year come september so hopfully does the business, she's keen enough. i will say hello next time no worries. cheers john
  10. chart i have met you at westerhope whippets recognised your young bitch in another post. you dont know me but you know my mate jake.think you helped him find a pup, which is due to be picked up end o july? just thought id introduce myself anyway.
  11. Idiot can't even spell gertrude. Sorry had to piont it oot!
  12. I'll never get those 10mins of my life back. Nice 1
  13. Bear is there any chance u could send me 1of them? I'm thinkin altho my pups come on a bit it would be an enjoyable watch and educational. I will give u the cost when we meet. Cheers john
  14. Would the otodex work on a dog? Just outa interest. Could it be used as a preventative measure rather than a cure? Is this a common problem in ferrets/dogs? Ferret lugs aren't guna b easy to clean. Cheers
  15. Just an extra bit of useless info... Weasel males rape all the young in the nest,boys and girls... This is how they breed (incestuously) if it works for them.....
  16. I'd shag ur sister! Iv seen it done without problems but probably best not to. Iv also seen deformed and premature kits come from two seperate gene pools so do as u please. I won't be wantin a kit tho.
  17. There is a black rabbit sat outside my window. I foolishly showed the dog... Whining to be out. My house backs onto one of my permissions and there is one particular warren that seems to be all blacks. If I knew how to stick pics on I would. Cheers
  18. Yeah I agree. It looks a happy little soul, tails going in all the pics. Bet it would be a doddle to train up aswel.
  19. Unfortunately not quite right gafer.cheers anyway still looking for a collie/whip type for him tho.I like the look of it myself but havnt got space atm.bloody shame bet it'll be a good 1 for ferreting.
  20. Aye there's a population around mine too those and blacks. They are real golden in the sunlight, almost shine.
  21. Where abouts is it?its not for me so I can't say. If u pm me a number I can pass it on. I'll show him these pictures too. Cheers
  22. Nathan, I sorted some mesh for his hutch aswel as I work in gateshead. The one came down for a couple of jills aswel and he gave me some canny nets.
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