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Everything posted by Mmamonster

  1. I got one for sale, its got adjustable cheek peice, adjustable hamster , adjustable shoulder thing. Is custom paint job on it but would strip back or camo up. Pm me if interested, i put last pic i have of it on.
  2. I got a laser glided 77k walnut stock, customer silencer, scope or a webley axsor, multi shot. Scope, bipod 2 mags £300 each if interested. Atb
  3. Thanks for info. Atb
  4. Hi, I have never advertised on here even tho i been on for a while, is the £5 donation weekly, monthly , yearly ? Can a mod please post or send me a link. Thanks
  5. I got a pcp - webley axsor , scope , silencer 2 mags if you can stretch to 300, or hw77 in brand new walnut stock, laserglide, scope and custom silencer. in doveridge sunday if any good. Atb
  6. I got a FAC theoben eliminator .22, scope and moderator for £225 if thats any good to you. Atb
  7. Fac theoben eliminator any good to you ?
  8. I got a nikko sterling Target master 10-50x60 with sunshade. Will swop for viper connect. Staffordshire area
  9. My mate was looking for one and he said seen on bbs.
  10. I got a nice theoben eliminator .22 fac plus theoben gun slip and scope. SWOP FOR A SUB 12 Ftp air rifle. Pm email address for pics as i cant upload. Thanks
  11. Looking for a second hand pump to charge a pcp. Thanks
  12. Hi mate, what area are you in?
  13. Think its around. 18, looking for 350 ono. So i can put towards a nv scope
  14. I got a fac eliminator and looking to sell or swop for a yukon photon nightvision. Thanks
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