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Everything posted by MarcFloyd

  1. It was my first rifle. I made full tuning and in a sunny day it was just under limit. It was also very accurate up to about 30 yards. Very pleasant to shoot, really good fun. Saying that, I read that these rifles are really hit and miss (pun intended) accuracy wise - depends which factory shift made your one, on which machine and if supervisor's girlfriend had "these days" night before.
  2. Thanks guys :-) I was shooting a little bit today. Seems to be more fun than with the pcp to be honest.
  3. Guys, I would like to share my joy with you : I just have bought myself a new rifle - this time springer.
  4. No worries. If you are planning to visit Stoke on Trent area, I am happy to help.
  5. I have quite liberal views and I read Guardian every day. Still, I enjoy shooting and hunting. Perhaps it is YOU who try to pigeon-hole people so they fit into your view of the world?
  6. I would argue with that. As per website linked below it is now illegal to have an airgun loaded or not in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse. If your car is parked in public place (street, public car park) you shouldn't. Link: http://www.airgunshooting.co.uk/expert-advice/airgun_law_in_the_uk_1_1111764
  7. Rabbit is too dry for bbq, mate. I've done few times front legs wrapped into fat bacon with BBQ sauce. These weren't bad, but it is not something I would cook more often.
  8. I know it is two months old topic, but I just wanted to share with you what I do. I gut skin and portion rabbits the same night I kill them. Then I leave them for 24 hours in salty water. Then I always freeze them. Even if they supposed to be eaten shortly I always freeze for at least one day to get rid of gamey smell and taste. Then, depends what I fancy I either leave them in the freezer (to cook in curry, usually) or I roast them with lots of garlic and a little carrot for few hours. They kind of cook in their own juices. When I do that I fillet them after, make two-peop
  9. Right. What I'm after is a cheaper equivalent of ND3 and I wondered how these work. But it is good to know that the original thing work fine though.
  10. Which one have you been using, mate?
  11. Does anyone have any experience with the cheap equivalents of BSA ND3 green laser? Something like this for example : http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=181262194907
  12. My other permission, small one, has been almost wiped out a few years ago. Some parts of it are still abandoned. On some we have quite a few rabbits.
  13. If you were doing something illegal you rather wouldn't call the police :-) I never do that. Never had problems with this either, but my main place is a large farm. People I see there are well used to strangers wandering around with something which appears to be a rifle.
  14. Nobody ever asked me. Probably good. But saying that, I tend to keep low profile - it's easier.
  15. There isn't pan-european legislation re airguns. Each country has it's own regulations. Some very liberal (Belgium or Netherlands - no limit as far as I remember) some very strict (Germany). So, there is nothing to ignore.
  16. +1 I have Daystate Huntsman Classic as well as HW100... and Weihrauch is much better gun IMHO, although not as nice looking as Huntsman.
  17. The UK already have one of the most restrictive firearm legislation in Europe. Pianoman, too much "Fallout"
  18. There is no such thing, airguns have different regulations in each country. Which BTW causes a lot of problems when moving them around. For example, your rifle would be a FAC in Germany...
  19. So, you expect him to apply logic to his actions. No such thing will happen, mate.
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