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  1. you pregnant bird put a feckin 1st on pete lol, be gone in oct night walking , will bell you weekend . Yes had great day wed , nice to meet good lads and dogs got on well . Hope brek was ok you all wolfed it down anyway . i liked your dogs they all ways look bit differnt in flesh. I knew you would be surprised with Bryn, as he very fast+racey for a 1x collie grey he dont miss much. Jon a sound lad,and Buster a big fecker aint he lol, will be nice to spin few over this season with the dogs.! if you come down again better sat or sunday or night time, to miss the feckin tra
  2. i cant see the pups off bubby being any faster than the half xs, if they are there wont be much in it, all the best
  3. mate to be honest who cares,all the best
  4. hi im living in the forest of dean she the same size as my pup atb oneshot now i know why you have a problem with your dog an certain beasts,place is over run with them. was there a pic of a black an cream or black n tan mal x on here while ago ,looked nice sort. not sure i know of a black one i see u live close
  5. im the one who bred the litter and if i was after a bitch pup then thats definetly the one i would of kept for myself as she was the boss all the best
  6. one its not a husky, and i dont think they were bred for pulling ploughs,
  7. thank thanks cant wait for this coming season hope he turns out to be a good one fingers crossed atb one shot theres a good chance in your hands he,l be called a malamute x
  8. what you lot are talking about is a load of shit
  9. what got to me in this is im a good friend and loyal and you questioned it ,,,,,why bring me into it and say my dogs were knackered ,when i had a 12 month old pup and not 2 dogs that night?...because they were bull x s?...my older bitch has gone out with loads and il put hand on heart never been made to look silly i wasnt actuly slagging your dogs down, they wasnt easy rabbits ,so i put it over that the malamutes caught over twice as many rabbits as your dogs and they were still full of life,and the other 2 dogs was knackered, i was trying show the people who think its a useless x that they
  10. i never said you were mentally ill flint, i said old an ill, an nobody give me that information, i seen a thread on here an you an fencehopper were arguin an it was aid you were old and ill, at that point i thought what a wanker is fence hopper for arguin way an threatening an elderly ill guy, thats when i said i wont be arguin wit you anymore, deerman has never told me nowt about you, an i have never asked him, truth me told there is far more important things id rather ask him than about you, no offence ment so i hope non are taken when i said about being mentally ill i was cracking joke
  11. reddawn used to come on the malamute threads trying his best to ruin them and some of the things he said i thought might of come from you , ( if im wrong il hold my hands up ) thats the reason i have ago at him, but like all cowards he can give it but not take it,and as for the beddy whip it never entered my head it was you,some one on here hinted trigger had been saying things,we asked to have private word with him and he refused,with out a doubt the person was trying to stir the shit ,i dont let this site rule me in anyway i just come on here looking for a friendly argument to kill a couple
  12. i have looked at the film, an i have also seen some pull a sled with me own 2 eyes, an i can honestly say, I THINK its a bad idea, we have other dogs here that are doing the jobs we need done.... dont you go out with a lad off this site who as been out with the mal xs many times, he was with the mals when they cought 65 rabbits and were still fresh, his 2 dogs had 31 and was knackered,so the person who as been lamping with us both.the only thing is that he as told you about the mals is that they bay
  13. so where is the comparrison vin, you have seen malamute x grey an malamutegrey x coursing dog, bred int his country to track game, yet in the film it was husky x pointers that were bred for racing sleds, its you guys that are making the jump an cpmparing the dogs, when in reality there is no similarity at all from where im sitting, or is every sled dog x gonna be compared to teh malamute greys???? an to be posting with the attitude of, a few i told ye so's. whats that all about, told who what??? that a malamute an a grey coudl be crossed, i dont think there was any arguin there... another
  14. so where is the comparrison vin, you have seen malamute x grey an malamutegrey x coursing dog, bred int his country to track game, yet in the film it was husky x pointers that were bred for racing sleds, its you guys that are making the jump an cpmparing the dogs, when in reality there is no similarity at all from where im sitting, or is every sled dog x gonna be compared to teh malamute greys???? an to be posting with the attitude of, a few i told ye so's. whats that all about, told who what??? that a malamute an a grey coudl be crossed, i dont think there was any arguin there... another
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