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Everything posted by Rodge86

  1. BSA ultra .177 comes with hawke sport hd ao ir, hawke laser range finder, Edgar bros tilt bipod, 3l 300bar charging tank, ghillie suit, laser and torch, wheirarche silencer, sling, BSA gun bag, selection of pellets and a few other bits and bobs that I've forgot off the top off my head. This is the perfect starter kit for anyone or for someone looking to add to their collection. It is deadly accurate. £600 no offers thanks
  2. Don't think you would need the 52 mil one as 52 mil will be your front lens and not the back one where your eyes go bud.
  3. well i went to the range today and put it over the chrono today and it was putting out 10.4 ftlb with airarms field so i think a reg is in need next.
  4. Sorry that shouldn't have the decimel there that was fps I think mate. I'm going to download chairgun on the laptop now mate. Thanks for your help.
  5. My t10 version liked accupell and air arms field in 5.52. Atb Rodge.
  6. Hi I'm after a little help converting my 10 shot chronograph readings into ftlb. As I don't know how to do it. I was using air arms field in .177 8.44gr and my readings was. 7.41 7.36 7.41 7.39 7.47 7.41 7.48 7.44 7.45 7.44 Any help would be great fully appreciated. Atb Rodge.
  7. Ahh cheers mate. Yeah I heard a few good posts about his work now. I had a scorpion t10 that was blueprinted and I couldn't knock it. It was spot on but I fancied a change to .177 so if it ends up anywhere near that after a reg and tune I will be a happy man. I was getting 10p sized groups at 65 metres so hopefully with more practice and the above mods I can get it a lot tighter. Atb Rodge.
  8. I have that scope and I need the high mounts mate. Atb Rodge.
  9. Try http://www.airgunbuyer.com also http://mobile.uttings.co.uk There was a section on here I don't know if it still exists where you could swap samples that might be something to look into and also on eBay you can buy samples ie: 10 tins with 20 pellets in each for next to nothing that might also be worth looking into and also save you a bit of money. Just remember to clean and re lead your barrel up when trying different brands and pellets. Hope this helps Atb Rodge.
  10. Thanks for the advice Bernard. I do intend on using the rifle for hunting mate just until I get used to it with it being a new gun to me and new calibre I'm going to get as much practice in with it target shooting until I am 100% sure of being able to get that 1 shot kill at every range I shoot at I'm also going to get it regulated I got a price off some guy on Facebook ( the rat works ) what also includes getting the action tuned I was told so will be getting that done for when I'm at my plinking club. Thanks again for the advice it's appreciated. Atb Rodge.
  11. In short for Hft yes for hunting you don't really need it. Atb with your decision you won't be disappointed if you get it done.
  12. My BSA barrels in the past have liked the bigger pellets so to speak so a good place to start would probably be air arms field, jsb exact and I have found accupell also work well all in .52. Don't think you would be a million miles away starting with any of the above brands. Atb Rodge
  13. So if I theoretically zero at 25 and say that gets rid of all my hold under. Could I set 25 as my very top milldot and just work out my mill dots from there would that let me shoot out to further ranges ?
  14. Ahh thanks lads Im going to go down the range and have a play about with it on Sunday will try set it for 25-30 meters
  15. Thanks a lot for all the helpful advice It really is appreciated. What a top site thanks.
  16. When you arrive wear a gillie suit and lots of cam cream on your face. Knock on the door and then hide in a nearby bush. When the farmer comes out and can't see you, announce yourself as "the invisible death, leveller of all air gun prey". They like that sort of thing.
  17. Hoping to get out to 70 meters at my shooting club. Thanks Rodge
  18. Hi I have just got my self a .177 BSA ultra what is the best range to zero at as I have only had .22 in the past and always zeroed at 30m. Also am I right in thinking the Lower I have the mag set on my scope the further I can shoot on my mill dots. Don't shoot me down if the question sounds stupid just after some advice. Thanks Rodge
  19. If you put your pics on photo bucket then post the picture URL on here the pics will come up
  20. As title says. I'm after a BSA ultra either single shot or multi shot must be .177
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