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vermin catcher

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Everything posted by vermin catcher

  1. you forgot to mention mate, that it may have taken you two years but she is chasing that plastic bag very very well at the minute And when you say you leave that to real hunting men, is that also why I seem to carry everything when we are out and also do all of the digging? ....chancer!!!
  2. :yes: Top bloke, me and the mate have both had some from him and without question his are the best we have used, We have also found his basket design to be far superior to others we have got as well. So thumbs up from the Northern Irish lads
  3. A very enjoyable day out with the family well done to the organisers ,I loved it, thank you
  4. Dear mystic Meg since you have an insight of how long everyone has kept dogs on here and how well they are all doing (or not doing) ,,any chance you could gaze into your magic crystal ball and give me the lottery numbers for this week!
  5. Finally,,,, racing for full KC whippets were they can get a fair crack (wow) . Been talked about at other venues but never implemented, so Fiona and co, I applaud you .
  6. Looking forward to this one, Been giving the ferrets loads of road work and treadmill running so think im a contender for some silverware at this with luck
  7. not a blade of grass nor a tree left alive near that portaloo now, just looks like a desert .The Farmer wont let Dessie use that field again thanks to your arse .And your direction skills leave a lot to be desired,,,, and you a taxi driver! . Ladyjane not only did he unveil his secret weapon (the bitch) but he is also Bolts mentor trainer nutritionist and councillor. He is worth a watchin that quiet man . heard you only got home from that show today mate, any truth in it?
  8. Enjoyed the show Dessie ,,,A great day out with like minded people, caught up with some old friends and met some new . Wish everybody would see shows like that ,,too many aul dolls on here and other forums with very large ego's and empty heads.......Sad really.
  9. Sure wouldn't be running my dog with a muzzle on if others in the race had none on ,the dog cant defend itself if you get a scrapper, have to all be muzzled or none at all in my book.
  10. mate try putting this on the longnetting thread .tiercel is the man you need to speak to on here with longnetting problems
  11. Its all down to what YOU want in your OWN dog not what you think others should be doing with their dogs. If the racing scene and purpose bred racing type lurchers upset you then don't race your dog simples .I for one am fed up with guys coming on here and running each other down or running shows down just because their own idea of what a dog should be doing is not what some one else's is. too many times on here I hear the same old shite about these dogs are bag chasers ect ect and a lurchers worth is judged in the fields. If you value and judge your dog on its worth in the fields that's great
  12. In that situation youll have 3 week old kits that are well developed just pushing the younger kits to the side and again youll maybe loose some that are not getting fed enough.Its not the jills you need to worry about getting along its having bigger stronger kits dominating the teats and your younger litter just not being strong enough to compete.My advice is if you want to give them the best chance of all pulling through, you narrow the odds in your favour and split them.Good luck whatever you decide mate
  13. mate ive done it quite a few times and some times everything is great other times you end up with dead kits and exhausted jills.Two jills can and will pile all the kits together and everything is rosey.But more often than not they compete and build seperate nests and spend all day running about stealing kits from one another and the result usually ends with suffocated kits ,trampled into wood shavings kits and kits that just plain havn't been fed because they are constantly being moved by both jills.Its Russian roulette mate and you wont know till you try but if it all goes pete tong during th
  14. good enough for it as far as im concerened i hate them with a passion.My pond has been on the receiveing end of visits from these pests a few times.And just because they are hanging around that area building a nest dosn't mean they are not flying into local peoples gardens and raiding ponds at night ect.Lucky for them that i live in a built up area or believe me id of put a 12 gauge into them everytime they come to inspect my pond.... protected or not!
  15. Good to see alot of old friends and meet some new ones today at the show.As usual it all ran smoothly and was its usual friendly atmosphere,me the missus and kids really enjoyed it and look forward to the next.Well done and thank you to the organisers for an enjoyable well run afternoon
  16. That sausage heads dogs are not long for this world the way he just fired a shot off in panic with those dogs closing with the boar,the shot wasnt even far off his own fookin feet
  17. So much for all that "shared political and religious future " shite they are always going on about here in Norn Iron.Just heard the new pope is a Catholic.... AGAIN!
  18. Francis The Pope ..Also know as F.T.P
  19. he's a lunatic i would have liked to see how well it had swollen next day!
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