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vermin catcher

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Everything posted by vermin catcher

  1. im sure ive been called a Savage before but never to my face :laugh: What were you thinking Mrs Appleblossom Well done nicky getting placed with Bolt,ive left his shite in the run for you to clean later and his tripe is defrosting in a bucket O dear God ,Graham my we love , I see what you mean, to much vino, I will change it. I will give you a big bear hug when I meet you next time. He He. I think your plan Margaret was for me to break out the chaps again, just as reminder of who I am
  2. Margaret im sure ive been called a Savage before but never to my face :laugh: What were you thinking Mrs Appleblossom in your Shanes castle fine food festival report? Well done nicky getting placed with Bolt, you have him in good nick and since he is yours ive left his shite in the run for you to clean later and his tripe is defrosting in a bucket out the back . He is going out ferreting this Saturday so make sure you and him are well prepared and your packed lunch is ready
  3. Dead indeed VC !! I was starving by thet stage. ..........didn't get anything to eat all day until I'd finished judging, food was great by the way and much appreciated Funny enough Tracy neither did I ,especially when you and Janet arrived :laugh: Think I got a cheese slice on my way home that had fallen beneath the seat of my van,,,,, that you two had missed!
  4. I see where you are going with that Mr Tango :laugh: If he is my partner,,, im the post man, he is the letter box
  5. ps . I may have had enough food for a fortnight when you left Sammy ,but I can assure you, once Janet and Tracy got into full swing all I was left with was my shirt on my back ,I think Barneys bowl of tripe even went missing ,, :D im dead (again)
  6. It was a pleasure cooking for you Sammy, i was, if truth be told trying to give you and your dog food poisoning before the whippet show classes so I could pave the way for my own dog but it was to no avail. I forgot you boys are from the East of the city and are well used to eating each other and your dead ,so a half cooked burger is childs play to you . Your dog and yourself are worthy winners in my book ,as not only does your dog look the part but it also puts in the graft in the fields. Ill claim the jacket next year with Barney unless of course he ends up like a Giraffe Well done mat
  7. It was a pleasure to help Darren with this event and from all accounts it seemed to bring a few smiles to people on the day which is how we hoped it would go. I know Darren has thanked Janet for the wonderful coat she made and Brian for the ferret carry box ,Deben ect ,and I would also like to echo that thanks to all those involved. But I want to also say thanks to Darren for having such good prizes for I know he was out a fair bit of pocket himself with trophies rosettes ,pipes ect ,ect and when I offered pay for half the answer was "Give my head piece" which when translated into hunting t
  8. Cant be that important,,,,,,,or id be in it!!! :D Think I was limbering up and preparing for the big race in the food tent when that photo was taken
  9. Poor wee rabbit, doesn't look very happy lol neither would you if some huge, gigantic black oversized whippet was trying to latch onto your ass, but then again, there's no telling what some women are into The owner of the rabbit said to Graham "that's a hell of a big whippet you have there mate", Graham took one look at him then at the rabbit, shook his head and walked away laughing sure the viking lad was looking a lend of him to do the jousting display on to rest his chestnut lol :D Wouldn't mind getting myself one of those big rabbits ,ill be able to take photos with my d
  10. mate that is one big ass rabbit you have there, but don't look behind you,,,,,,,,,,, there's one even bigger with a Viking on its back!!!!
  11. We will get to race our dogs together next time mate, my wee baby has had his last race as a puppy Haha WEE that's the best I've heard mine is wee he's like a jack russel lol No, yours is Normal
  12. We will get to race our dogs together next time mate, my wee baby has had his last race as a puppy
  13. Great bunch of fellas, was a pleasure to meet you all. Some nice handy looking dogs with you and you got some silverware to take home as well, well done. Hope to see you up again
  14. Yes but "Dexter" in a Yorkshire accent is a million miles away from "Dexter" in a Belfast Shore Road Milly accent The dog needs a different name missus!
  15. Leanne.i wouldn't be worried about the crap some people like to waffle on here,talk is cheep. You and many others have at least done some thing positive to promote fieldsports and have had the balls to run your own show. These people who constantly pick holes in others efforts have nothing constructive to offer hunting nor have they the balls to try and run a show themselves .In fact you'll find these same people are the ones that turn up at a show and the most important thing they bring is a case of beer and an empty head. Your show, like all the other shows around the country show hunting an
  16. Mrs Blubell, how come im the fat one? Thanks to you Patsy and Rose ive shed a few pounds carrying that shredded bag up and down a field in Armagh ,Although ive learned to stay close to you on those occasions now.......im your new camera assistant
  17. All the very best with the pup Nicky...hope this one stays nice and petite for you...or else you'll be going out to Drumbo Park on a more regular basis. "Hope this one stays nice and petite for you",,,,,,Aye mate ! I still remember my dad whispering those exact same words to me when I first starting going out with Nicky...... And then it all went pear shaped (literally) :laugh: .........................im dead!
  18. I think this time around you need to go a bit easier on the horsey growth hormone and anabolic steroid, 1ml a day should do instead of the 500ml you used for Bolt , come to think of it I would swear that Bolt was a bitch at 8weeks old He was, :laugh: :laugh: his kc name was originaly "FATIMA WHITBREAD". No mate ive learnt my lesson with anabolic steroids and growth hormone first hand ,,,,,,,,,,,Where do you think my own man boobs came from? Ive even cut down on giving Bolt redbull on his Weetabix in the mornings.
  19. welcome mate,plenty of us on here from good old Norn Iron, What form of hunting you into? My game is ferreting rabbits with whippets/longnets
  20. hope "THE DADDY"(yawn,yawn,yawn ) from the forum here actually makes an appearance this time round on Sunday instead of typing a load of keek then disappearing off the face of the earth. I could be doing with "his mates"(yawn and yawn again!) special puppy height predictions with this new pup, couldn't cope listening to her indoors if this one goes all Peter Crouch too!
  21. Well done Dazzam - with being a line judge and now an event organiser you are in danger of becoming part of the establishment - instead of how we first met - by you slagging me off in a post that got some 2,000 views! Seriously thanks for coming forward to bring back a fun event for the fair. Albertj Albert ,have you actually ever see him do anything? he claims to be my hunting partner and he does turn up on cold frosty mornings and goes out with us. But sadly that's all I can really say as to the rest of his input for a days ferreting. Last time we were out he actually lifted the spa
  22. Forgot to say its Nickys birthday on Saturday so I bought her a kc whippet pup from England as a surprise .Had to tell her about it an hour ago as the dog transporter guy missed the early boat so I have to pick the pup up after 10.30 tonight from the boat instead of 7.30 as arranged. So my big surprise is now out in the open because if id have woke her up after 11pm with a brand new crying puppy id be living in the dog box never mind it. so watch out ive a new secret weapon in the training camp (hes 8 weeks old and already 19tts) :D
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