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vermin catcher

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Everything posted by vermin catcher

  1. my original post was a piss take at the kc show scene that my missus has kindly made me take her too the last few months which she loves but which melts my brain and happiness. But since you have raised a few points and took very large chips on your shoulders I will answer them for you. Darren might not actually keep a whippet but I can assure you , I do,, and he is out hunting/ racing with me and my whippets alongside his own lurchers week in week out and has been for over 30 years .Secondly are you the same two people who wanted Darren to judge a show at your Sporting whippet club events e
  2. Are you still allowed to join if your whippets are fit for purpose and have killed a rabbit before?.......and do you have to be from Bangor and over weight like your dogs ??... sorry my mistake.. I got this mixed up with the whippet kennel club shows scene criteria ....sorry !!!! :icon_redface:. looking forward to next Sunday to meet again with real whippets and real doggie people and do what whippets are supposed to do,, Fookin RUN!!!!!
  3. Hobbled usually means his two back wheels are off so it will be easy to see if they are still there. If his balls are off he is no use for taking the jills out of season so you will need to get a lend of a vasectomised Hob or get the jills the jab at the vet. Failing that they are going to stay in season all summer my friend and that can lead to infections, going out of condition or worse in a few cases.
  4. GREAT VID mate, that's a couple of handy dogs you have there, enjoyed watching them.
  5. looking forward to this one, will be interesting to see if my big lad can trap from a box.Me and Darren have welded a spring door to a 40ft container in case he does not fit in your traps Tom :D
  6. Shield if you don't want peoples opinions and views of the shite your spouting then do not post. You never answered the questions regarding why you attended the show of a man you say is only interested in money gains from shows. So its plain to see your posts are more of a grudge rather than actual fact and im sure Dessie didn't need your blatantly biased opinions but you posted them all the same.
  7. Its quite clear "shield" that out of the 10 posts you have made from joining THL under this " new name" that most of your posts are directed at Dessie Mackin and either running the man or his shows down. Hidden agenda maybe????? You were quite willing to attend his show (or you said you attended his show!!) two weeks ago ,so whats changed in those two weeks? If your view was that he is into dogs for money why did you attend his show then run it down on here afterwards?. Your hidden agenda and lies are catching you out and its plain for all to see.
  8. Brian Darren is now sacked as my ferreting partner, you did more digging in that 45 second clip than Darren has did in the 30 odd years we have hunted together. You start this Sunday morning!! im filling out his P45 as we speak Had to look twice at Glens shirt ,, thought that was sweat down each side of his shirt under the arms .please tell me it wasn't and that's the design..
  9. Lads why do you care if the profits go to this or that ??? (genuine question) the whole point of attending these things is to try and win either a race or show with your own dogs or just to meet up with other like minded people when the hunting season is over. Fair play to the people who run shows and donate to charity but it sure doesn't mean everybody must do the same. Are you all trying to tell me you take your dogs to shows throughout the summer just to help charity ? Wow and here is me thinking its a day out with the family and dogs for a bit of craic and maybe the odd win. Lads huntin
  10. Smashing photo's Bluebell as always ,and it was great to see you all again, catch up and have a laugh or two. Roll on,, the good weather,, good shows ,,and good company .
  11. Good start to the show season and good to meet up with a lot of the usual characters and meet some new people. I didn't leave early nor did I see any greyhounds or pretend whippets in fur coats and flat backs, at any starting line up (for a change!), nor did I get any wine as a prize,,,,,,,,,,But I did get a fooking big trophy! so I may have been at a different show to some other people on here yesterday. And maybe some day if I ever get off my arse and run my own show then I will come on here and have the right to run other peoples shows down until that day ill take it for what it is a bit o
  12. A really enjoyable day out today and a credit to Dessie and Tom. It was good to get out again and meet up with people with the same interests and love of running dogs and terriers as myself. For the first meet of this year, it all ran smoothly and without and problems so with luck the rest of the shows this year ect will follow suit. Margaret I think the dressing up part for Saint Patricks day idea was your way of coaxing me back into the green chaps,,, I can see through your plan Maybe this year if Bolt does well at Dunsilly and gets into the top ranking for a jacket I may do a full lap of
  13. Secret weapons are primed and ready to go. I have had them on Lucozade sport and red bull for the last month and been feeding them out of a white plastic bag that looks like a squid :D. Will be good to meet up with the whippet crew again and some of you can tell me about how many onesies your dogs got at Christmas or how many whole nuts they ate in front of the fire this winter and I can tell you about hunting mine :D Ok I may have got a onesie too :icon_redface: See you all on Saturday hope the weather holds
  14. wow, great haul there mate, enjoyed the pics wouldn't have liked the smell in the van or car on the way back with that number of dead bodies rolling about :D fair play
  15. Just for you mate. All the rabbits were bolted to the dog!!! That's better, but your photo editing skills are a bit pants. you couldn't blot out the ferret boxes too, then I could say he hunted them up and worked them out of the cover and I was just out for a mooch and wasn't really planning to kill many so stopped at 17!...I can see it all now.."Billy bob Bolt" kc working whippet at stud .....Fee £2,500 plus EU polecat and 25 neon orange spun poly nets.
  16. You should have hidden the longnets in the photo mate I could have claimed my black dog got all of them the other day Id split his stud fees with you when they come rolling in That was a strange day on Wednesday mate I don't remember a ferreting trip with so much digging involved for many a year, dont know what was going on. The only good part of all the digging, was the bleeper always marking on your side of the ditches.... it was good to watch you for a change though .
  17. Good honest write up mate ,fair play. We all have had those days at some point or another but you got on with it and that's the main thing. I have kept ferrets for over thirty years and had a real bad biter two seasons ago and can honestly say I have never ever had one like it. The rest of the litter were spot on but this one just was not right, I did all the usual things to try and bring him round but all failed. Don't like to give up on any animal without a good time frame but in the end this one had to go the way of the do-do. If yours persists on biting you at every chance it gets and you
  18. It's like a potato gun but a bit worse :laugh: Pure class
  19. Could have done with you the day mate. if you kept the same number for more than a fortnight :-) me and Dazzam were murdered ,2 long nets in baskets each a ferret box each, bag of purse nets each ,too many birthdays each, and 29 rabbits to haul back to the van at the end. Not getting any easier this game as the years tick by
  20. Roy, both me and Darren have a few long nets as you know mate from a few different suppliers and Nelson is the best in both our opinions because of his basket designs and his net quality .Stick with trying to contact him mate, he is a gent to deal with and his stuff is good.
  21. Sounds like a plan mate, could do with a break from cleaning dog runs, cleaning ferrets out, working from 6 am till late. Listening to her and the kids. Magaberry looks like a better deal sitting in my cell with a remote control in my shorts and flip flops and a bar of wholenut and a cuppa.
  22. Sammy I could have understood the dog warden pulling you if you'd have been walking my big fella, but not your pretty wee thing.The law is an ass!! I walk four with no muzzles and I can assure you, any dog warden that stops me not only will end up with no top row but will need a career change too .My dogs are always on leads in public but I don't know how many times ive had other peoples dogs that were running free, aggressivly charge at mine only to get my size nine in its bake. Them wee handbag fookers (usually with a name like tiddles) can be the worst for aggression. Useless excuses f
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