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vermin catcher

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Everything posted by vermin catcher

  1. Totally agree mate.most ferrets will bolt rabbits given the chance but not all ferrets actively hunt for them.Ive also kept ferrets for around 30 years and ive came across alot of shite as well as excellent ferrets over the years. As ive said before on here some ferrets take a while to switch on to whats expected but sadly some do not even after a fair bit of time and effort. Ive had ferrets from my own working strain that are born hunters and take to it like veterans in their first few outings.I also have had ferrets from those same litters take months to start actively hunt for rabbits and
  2. Know were your misses is coming from a tail like the the Quinns dog how does it do ih the showing with a tail like Kangaroo watch it on the start line at the next show it is in the blue jacket The only problem is mate, my missus asked me why our whippets tails wernt feathered.I told her because ours are whippets !
  3. So what your saying from that statement is you gave up on the hob after one outing ,dont think any animal be it lurcher terrier and indeed a ferret is going to show any potential in one outing. There is plenty of shite ferrets out there and i agree they need to be ruthlessly culled when you cross paths with them. But some start off slow and end up crackers and all deserve a fair bit of time not one or two trips out.
  4. I was at the fair,i also keep whippets and i go to the whippet shows at Dunsilly and im sure my dogs have raced against some of the questionable dogs in this debate and have been beaten by them. But winning a rosette or trophy is not the end all or be all of a working whippet for me.Hunting ability and doing the business in the field is what counts,my dogs are far from the best in the world but they are a hunting assett to me and i enjoy working them.I can understand other whippet owners getting frustrated by the so called cheats at the fairs but lets face it lads your dog should be for hunti
  5. Great video mate,feck all wrong with them dogs, both done the business and brought them back .JOB DONE!.This forum sickens the feck out of me some times with all the negative comments from some clowns. They have the best lurcher the best terrier the best ferrets are married to a swedish super model and shit tiffany cuff links and all others are beneath them. Who cares ! if the dogs were walked up to the rabbits or are collie crosses ffs its about catching rabbits some people need to grow up on here. Well done mate i enjoyed watching it
  6. Dont know much about ground hogs but the jrt made that look like hard work. Fair play ,done the business in the end though.
  7. great job. had an air arms s410 myself mate a few years back and it was a great gun.after watching that its maybe time for another
  8. Old brock wasn't messing about there!
  9. Mate they dont feck about do they when their times up,they are fine one day and tits up the next without any inbetween. so dont be thinking you missed somthing or blame yourself. i lost a smashing wee 7 year old jill last year the same way.She was running about as normal at feeding time next night at the same time she was sprawled out stiff as a board when i went to feed them.Its annoying when you dont know the cause but lets face it, none of us is paying a vet to find out.
  10. Certainly mate it costs the same to feed a good one as a bad one and i totally agree in not passing off one that isnt making the grade.i would have no hesitation in putting a ferret down that is not up to scratch and i know there are plenty out there that are pish.Where i differ from some of the others that have commented is that ive been at the game long enough and kept good ferrets long enough to know, some do take longer than others to actively hunt and deserve more than one or two outings before their fate is sealed.Ive seen boys practically throw ferrets towards rabbit holes and drop them
  11. Mate i had the same problem with a hob from good working stock last year.i kept him back along with a jill from the same litter from my own working strain of ferrets.the jill took a week or two to start actually hunting for rabbits but the hob went in ok but did not actively hunt for rabbits.It was frustrating watching rabbits drop into a warren only to enter the ferret and him disappear and come out different holes and not hunt we would put his litter sister in and within minutes she had emptied the place of rabbits. We used him in shallow small burrows for a few weeks and even then he fail
  12. i hunted rats week in week out with ferrets when i was a younger and i found even the best ratting ferrets are reluctant ratters after a couple of hard seasons on them. We learned to use ferrets for only about 6 months or so on rats then keep them solely for rabbits after that as it can be very hard on them. its only small jills that can successfully hunt rats and sometimes the rats are as big or bigger ,and will put up a fair scrap.I also have some horror stories with ferrets loosing eyes (very common) with ratting ,but there is no better and more exciting sport for ferrets.
  13. Mate i have kept two jills in the past in the same hutch and they raised litters together no problem for years.But last year i done the same thing with two different jills and ended up loosing 6-7 kits in the first day or two untill i separated them.The two jills tried to make their own nests and were constantly scrapeing up the wood shavings and suffocating the new born kits. It has worked for me in the past keeping them together but didnt last year. Give it a go if they are birthing at the same time but keep a close eye or you could loose some mate.
  14. Brilliant statement mate i have kept the same line of good working ferrets for many years and kept a jill and a hob back from last seasons litter.the wee jill went into warrens and did bolt rabbits, but i knew she was not activly hunting for them. she would drive rabbits out that were not too deep or were not giving her the run around and then she would surface. i watched 5 rabbits drop down the same warren as i approached and in she went and she shifted only 1 back out again.i put her in different holes ect but each time was a blank and it was fecking frustrating.we then put her litter broth
  15. Mate i kept a couple of jills together for years and they reared both their litters fine every year .But last year i done the same thing with some different jills i have now and found that the two jills were constantly stealing the kits from each other and trying to make seperate nests in the cage.End result was two exhausted jills and some dead kits.The jills spent all their time moving the kits and not actually lieing down to feed them and with them constantly scrapeing the wood shavings up they were burying the kits and suffocating them. It was a day or two before i realised what was goin
  16. You will know for sure if you sneek up to their cage and they are wearing dungaree's and playing a banjo
  17. Nice photo's mate, couple of nice wee ferrets there. been ferreting for 30 years now and only just bought my first stop nets a few weeks back .look forward to giving them a bash when the season starts again.
  18. I havnt been on this forum for very long and cant see me staying on it for very much longer. I notice a lot of the topics get hijacked by complete empty heads who just seem to thrive on running other peoples dogs or characters down.Its very easy to hide behind a key board and be a hard brave man running this or that down and generally being a complete clown when no one can see you or knows who you are.I have read three or four different topics this evening rangeing from ferreting to whippets to now this and nearly all have a few dickheads on slabbering about some one or some ones dogs. As for
  19. Looking forward to this Sunday, i was never into shows ect, just hunting the dogs but attended the last few meets of last year at Dunsilly with the missus and kids and really enjoyed it. Friendly atmosphere and my youngest son got the puppy class win with his wee dog at the end of season show which he still talks about.His interest in hunting and his whippet went through the roof after that
  20. mate sent you a pm.im in belfast and will be breeding my own litter in the next week or two so will have some available.
  21. Hi mate ive had the same problem with a wee jill this season ,and she is bred from a good working strain .It just takes some longer to switch on to the job but some sadly never make the grade.She has done exactly the same as yours,she goes in fine but i know she is not searching every tunnel. i have then put her brother in and bolted rabbits from the same warren.Ive kept ferrets a very long time and ive come to realise most ferrets will shift rabbits just by entering a burrow but not all ferrets actively hunt for rabbits.Believe me you know the difference when you have got a good un or a bad
  22. Ive kept ferrets for over 25 years and only ever had one die because of not being mated and to be honest she was about six years old.The one thing i will say is jills left in season all summer look a sorry state at the end of summer because of the increased hormone levels.. As stated in the posts above, just keep the cages as clean as possible and you should be fine.The few weeks you have to wait for the hob to recover will be no problem.
  23. Hi folks Thought id stick my first post on to introduce myself instead of trainspotting from the shadows.Ive been hunting rabbits /rats on and off all my adult life.And now have a couple of sons taking a big interest in hunting which has re kindled my interest again big time. I keep whippets ferrets and i have a geriatric lakeland terrier now in retirement. Which brings me to my first question to you all. Anybody out there got a decent wee terrier for working cover for rabbits? preferably N.I . I know some will say what about a springer ect for cover but they just arn't for me.Any way first
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