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Everything posted by kanny

  1. Knocked this up this morning out of an old pallet....
  2. Seems to be a lot of fuckery involved in this case, no concrete evidence, I dunno, I have had doubts from the start that something was amiss here , there's a growing number of high profile people willing to call this out as a possible injustice, I saw a interview with the Head consultant and he wasn't convincing at all infact he came across as a bit shifty....there's been lots of cases of injustice come to light recently including the horizon scandal, don't think that it's impossible she was scapegoated, im on the fence for now .
  3. kanny


    Seem to be doing quite well, are they a serious challenge to the uni party stitch up or just part of the problem Reform UK tops landmark poll for first time NEWS.SKY.COM One in five individuals who voted Conservative at the last general election back in July would now...
  4. Didn't Obama do like a million and half...out of the last 3 presidents trump has deported the least but try tell the luvvies that...
  5. These scumbags trying to get some notoriety, clicks,likes,whatever, off the back of this tragedy need a bullet also .
  6. Red worm are the nutz , we use to dig buckets full out the old manure heaps.
  7. kanny

    The Bible.

    humans are the universe experiencing itself....and I fkin hate cites!
  8. kanny

    The Bible.

    Naturalistic pantheism is about as close as I can get to something spiritual, everything is God
  9. kanny

    The Bible.

    No you don't , not if God a dog or a frog is omniscient, Omniscience removes Free Will, there's no getting around it bud.
  10. kanny

    The Bible.

    If God is omniscient ,all knowing, past, present and future then your perceived choice would infact be predetermined, if its predetermined then it cannot be a free will choice Also if you have no choice/free will you are a slave of God
  11. kanny

    The Bible.

    Omniscience removes Free Will and choice from the equation.....
  12. Parker for me, I just think he'll out box dubois, Parker knows how to survive,he'll take dubois into deep water and drown him , points or champion rounds stoppage for me.
  13. I've seen a few blackbirds holding court, woodies trying their luck and some frisky Robins.
  14. He's still claiming he was robbed lol
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